Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

OVAS elections

Started by Jody, May 05, 2017, 12:03:56 AM

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So as already mentioned, it's election season once more for OVAS.  The OVAS Elections will take place at the beginning of the second May meeting in which you can vote in the Executive Members for the 2017/2018 season.  We look forward to seeing some new volunteers out to help with the running of the club.  If you enjoy the club's activities, have some new ideas, or just want to be available to assist, it would be greatly appreciated if you ran for one of the many positions that are available. Persons interested in running should be at the meeting.

Some extra info about the OVAS Executive you may want to know:

• Executive meetings usually take place in the second week of each month.  Exact date and location is TBD the week prior.
• Being on the executive isn't hard or scary
• The current executives will be available to help you if needed
• The Giant Auction is probably the only event in which requires the most planning.  Additional volunteers are sought out to help run the Giant Auction.
• The season starts on September 1st and ends on August 31st.  Nothing really happens from June to August except for the possibility of a BBQ.
• OVAS Members must be in good standing to run for an executive position
• Your membership will be paid for by the club

To run for a position, please nominate yourself in this thread by posting the following if you have not already done so:

• The position for which you are running for
• If possible, a brief summary as to why you would be a good candidate for that particular position
• Any other info that is relevant
• If you are currently an Executive Member, please state your intentions as well if you have not already done so

Here are the positions and their responsibilities. The positions were streamlined earlier this year so please disregard the previous list posted.

List of OVAS Executive Positions and Their Duties

Act as official representative and spokesperson for OVAS; including CAOAC and intra‐club liason.
Chair all Executive/membership meetings; serve as an ex‐officio member of all OVAS committees.
Ensure that members of the Executive carry out their duties while also recognizing individual capacity and willingness as volunteers; does not imply that the President must assume the duties of any Executive member who is absent or derelict in their duties.
Ensure Executive and Club continuity through leadership, mentorship, fellowship and encouragement of team work and recognition of efforts.
Ensures communication of club events and announcements to club and forum membership.

Assist the President in carrying out all of his or her duties.
Act for the President, in the President's absence or at the request of the President.
In the event that some Executive positions are vacant, will assume the responsibilities for one of them, as agreed to with the President.
In the event that all Executive positions are filled, will assume other club or committee responsibilities as agreed to with the President.

Record the minutes and action points of all Executive meetings and ensure their posting on the Executive forum in a timely manner.
Record any proposed action, decision or vote taken at a general club meeting, and post them on the club forum in a timely manner.
As directed by the President, provide an account/summary of Executive meetings to the membership.
In collaboration with the President, attend to correspondence to and from OVAS and the OVAS Executive.
Ensure the tracking of OVAS' physical assets.

Keep a complete and accurate record of the financial transactions of OVAS and make these available to the Executive at all reasonable times.
As approved, provide advances or reimbursements for club expenses incurred by members of the executive or club committees, while ensuring proper documentation of those expenses.
Prepare an annual financial statement for the approval of the Executive and the membership.
Ensure the safekeeping of OVAS' financial assets.
Attend to correspondence and records relating to OVAS' finances.
Provide financial forecasts and other financial advice to guide Executive decisions.

Organize and run the mini-auctions and Giant auction.
Serve as auctioneer.  May delegate role to other volunteers.
Announce auction schedule, details and rules on the forum.
Recruit volunteers and assign duties as required.
Provide appropriate documentation to the Treasurer at the close of each auction for audit purposes.
Maintain an accurate list of all current auction statistics

Maintain a current and complete record of all members, and make it available to the Executive at all reasonable times.
Collect membership fees and provide them to the Treasurer, with a reconciliation of the fees collected and the
membership list.
Provide paid members with membership card and any club introduction materials in a timely manner.
In collaboration with members of the Executive, develops and maintains club introduction materials to outline and communicate club benefits to paid and prospective members.
Develop and recommend strategies to promote membership in OVAS.
Coordinates any approved membership drives.

Follow‐up with all forum sponsors for renewal ; obtain payment and signed contracts according to defined timelines.
Seek new forum sponsors as needed, while respecting established rules.
Develop, maintain and safekeep sponsorship contracts
Develop and maintain relationship with sponsors and relate any complaint or improvement opportunities to Executive for resolution or decision‐making.
Ensures the development, posting, and removal of forum sponsor banners.
Collaborate with AquaMania Sponsor Coordinator to provide forum sponsors with opportunity to participate and further support the event; also to coordinate communication with forum sponsors who choose to sponsor AquaMania.
Seek business contacts to promote OVAS and OVAS activities, and seek sponsorships and other tangible ways of increasing the financial soundness of OVAS.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Don't forget that OVAS has a separate webpage as well.

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OVAS on Instagram


Quote from: charlie on May 11, 2017, 12:40:34 PM
Thanks to Sid and Andre for stepping up much gratitude .
It would appear the following positions have nominees
VP, Secretary, corporate chair/sponsorship.
If i may be honest the Lim brothers have been a corners stone of the club and my personal preference would be t6o have them back  :P, but totally understand them wanting a break, same for fischkopp who has done a remarkable job with the auction chair but understand time is not a luxury for him these days with a young family but again my personal desire is to hope he can hang there with us for a once a year maybe 2  occasion annually  :P
That said the following i would assume is needing of volunteers
President,Treasurer ,Program chair, web presence , am i missing any position?
I wonder if exv152, tanksalot360 and Dexpert would fit into one of these positions  ;)
Thanks Liam ,  there is 2 key positions open that really needs a couple of dedicated hobbyist- Treasurer and Program Chair.
I know a couple of members that had expressed interest sometime back, it would be great if they follow true with that interest, don`t want to call names  ;), should those 2 key positions have dedicated and competent members, i might just throw my hat in for a position,in other words i have one foot in and the other out  ;), so come on guys.


I'll take Treasurer. Charlie any chance you would step up for president?


Quote from: Dxpert on May 15, 2017, 06:05:41 AM
I'll take Treasurer. Charlie any chance you would step up for president?
Awesome Dexpert, thanks for caring.
With the group I see caring and stepping up , I'd say there is a 95% chance I'll step up for President.
I think Limmer  would an awesome program chair with some help by committed  ;)


I was going to post this after the elections but since there seems to be a lot of volunteers stepping up, is anyone interested in taking over the reigns as Webmaster?  You would start when the new season starts.
Don't forget that OVAS has a separate webpage as well.

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Please familiarize yourself with the Forum Rules


I have some great thoughts  (in my head anyways) to help out whomever decides on program chair for next year.
And am certainly willing to help out coordinating plans and speakers too.



Quote from: OVAS-Webmaster on May 15, 2017, 12:48:27 PM
I was going to post this after the elections but since there seems to be a lot of volunteers stepping up, is anyone interested in taking over the reigns as Webmaster?  You would start when the new season starts.
Just thought i`ll share this before any volunteers start rushing  ;) - Webmaster is an appointed position( for obvious reasons) and not elected as the Exec.


I probably won't step up for a position this year.
Want to take a break.  Been doing this too long.


Totally understood Limmer. You and the rest of the current exec have done a lot and certainly deserve a break.
As far as the webmaster goes, if you are interested in doing the job, let the exec know and they (we) can decide on it.
Just remember everyone, if there is a position you are interested in, even if someone else is planning to volunteer for it,  you can always express your interest. It is an election after all. :)



Quote from: OVAS-Webmaster on May 15, 2017, 12:48:27 PM
I was going to post this after the elections but since there seems to be a lot of volunteers stepping up, is anyone interested in taking over the reigns as Webmaster?  You would start when the new season starts.
Brian you're doing such a fine job it would be a shame to lose you!


Just a few more days until election time.
Had a great chance to discuss ideas with Sid, Andre and Peter, as well as some members of other clubs. I think next season has great potential and I am looking forward to it.
Keep thinking about how you can help out the club, and if you are interested feel free to volunteer.



Good to see more interest in getting more involved with the club! I will not be available for any positions in the executive in the coming season. Live has gotten busy, so I was not able to properly execute my role nor participate in many club events.

If there is any interest, somebody could also take over the auction chair. :)
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
L007 ♦ L014 ♦ L034 ♦ L046 ♦ L106 ♦ L128 ♦ L134 ♦ L136B ♦ L183 ♦ L191 ♦ L200 ♦ L340 ♦ LDA031


Quote from: Jody on May 24, 2017, 01:03:07 AM
Just a few more days until election time.
Had a great chance to discuss ideas with Sid, Andre and Peter, as well as some members of other clubs. I think next season has great potential and I am looking forward to it.
Keep thinking about how you can help out the club, and if you are interested feel free to volunteer.


I`m now officially throwing my dusty hat into the mix for President, others interested should do so too.
Thought this may be appropriate, although it may be a bit dated in some areas.


This past Monday, the annual OVAS Elections were held and a new Executive has been voted in.  Here are the results.

President  - Charlie (Errol Choo)
Vice President  - Jody (Jody McManus)
Secretary - sidarnold (Sid Arnold)
Treasurer - Dxpert (Mike McCarthy)

Membership - tanksalot360 (Liam Epp)
Sponsorship Chair - ajm1961 (Andre Martin)
Online Presence Chair -  matttimms49 (Matthew Timms)

There are still two vacant positions to be filled, Auction Chair and Program Chair.  So if you are interested, please reply to this thread.

And last but least, if there is anyone interested in Webmaster, please contact Charlie.
Don't forget that OVAS has a separate webpage as well.

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OVAS on Instagram


Quote from: OVAS-News on May 31, 2017, 08:53:53 PM
This past Monday, the annual OVAS Elections were held and a new Executive has been voted in.  Here are the results.

President  - Charlie (Errol Choo)
Vice President  - Jody (Jody McManus)
Secretary - sidarnold (Sid Arnold)
Treasurer - Dxpert (Mike McCarthy)

Membership - tanksalot360 (Liam Epp)
Sponsorship Chair - ajm1961 (Andre Martin)
Online Presence Chair -  matttimms49 (Matthew Timms)

There are still two vacant positions to be filled, Auction Chair and Program Chair.  So if you are interested, please reply to this thread.

And last but least, if there is anyone interested in Webmaster, please contact Charlie.
Happy to announce Giblotron has stepped up to volunteer as Program  Chair.
Thanks Mike
I'm confident that this Exec. body is a dynamic one with the ability and passion to help OVAS.
Stay tune and get on board with us .
Regards Errol/Charlie


Wow! We actually have a full exec for the first time in... well, quite awhile! Great news! Thanks to all for volunteering. May this season be a memorable one!