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Plants and Cichlids?

Started by sanny, April 03, 2014, 02:30:14 PM

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I was wondering if Amazon swords, Java ferns, Anubias and the hardier plants would survive in my tank and not get eaten by my cichlids, especially the Mbunas. Also If I add a driftwood, will effect the ph in my tank although I do weekly water changes?


I've kept anubias, Java fern and valisineria with mbuna and they never touched it.

Driftwood and rift Lake (african) cichlids generally don't mix.  Rocks are a better choice.   In my experience, using aragonite is the best substrate for a stable pH.
I haz reef tanks.


Really? Never knew you could add Valls in a Cichlid tank! ;D the driftwood that I got has been used for a few years so I believe the tannins leached out by now.. do you still suggest me not having driftwood what so ever?


Quote from: sanny on April 03, 2014, 06:17:16 PM
Really? Never knew you could add Valls in a Cichlid tank! ;D the driftwood that I got has been used for a few years so I believe the tannins leached out by now.. do you still suggest me not having driftwood what so ever?

Drift wood is hit and miss. I had it in my frontosa tank but my water's ph is in way high 8.8-9.2 depending on how much run-off in the spring for my well.

Straight or Spiral Val can be very nice... if it takes hold nice. Anubias  and Java fern also worked for me. Also cryps. But at some point my frontosa got too big and things turned bad for the plants. Smaller Malawi ciclids should not cause the problems I had with 10" frontosa pulling and shredding the leaves



Hello Sanny !

I can tell you first hand if your plants will mix with cichlids and the answer is yes. I have anubias nana,Anubias barteri, java ferns, Java Fern Windelov, mellon swords,Ozelot - Red and Amazon Swords, Cryptocoryne wendtii.

Now they will nip at the anubias leaves when the are new as far as the other plants they leave them alone and i've had this setup going for little over two years now. This is why i dose pressurized co2 along with t5 HO 54 watts x 4 and the right amount of fertilizers to give the plants a boost to grow faster.

Another trick i do lately to keep them away from my anubias plants is boil a piece of 2 to 3 inch zucchini for three minutes then find a way to anchor it to the bottom of the tank they will eat this within a few days they love it as long as they are eating the zucchini they leave my plants alone. I also feed them a rich vegetable diet along with sparina flakes.

The swords plants you will need to keep an eye on them they will not eat them but because cichlids do like to dig and uproot them. Once they settle into their nest or cave you may need to relocate your sword to a place that they're not digging in or place some stone's around the base of the swords to discourage them from digging there.

Check out my tank setup from a year or so ago i have pictures on my profile.

I will try to take a more up to date picture and put it on my profile.

Hope this help you out and IT can be done even though some say it can't be done if i can do it so can you. 


Thanks for the advice! Your 100% right. However, I decided to take a different route and just keep boulders and not add anything else.