Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Montreal is coming!!!

Started by charlie, May 12, 2017, 07:59:15 AM

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Just realised that I can't actually make this. Sorry guys, have a great day though. :)


What a great day spent with fellow hobbyist, memories and friends were made today.
Thanks to all who hosted the gang - Mike, Liam and Greg, thanks to our fellow local hobbyist who came out to make our guest comfortable.
One member has already proclaimed this is going to be an annual event, our guest was over the moon.


It was a great day!  Lots of fun and very educational.  Great discussions and laughs with lots of like minded hobbyists. 

Thanks to everyone who attended and hosted!  A special thanks to Errol, Greg and Eleonore for organizing and making it happen!

We should do this more often?!  Maybe in the new season a local tank tour day where we invade everyone's homes and check out their tanks/ponds!  Pictures just don't do them justice a lot of the time...


I would like to thank everyone for arranging, hosting and attending!  Special thanks to the wives who put up with us all, really appreciated.  You were all so generous in so many ways that I can't thank you all enough.

I got to get to know our OVAS members better - putting faces and names together and had a lovely time with our Montreal friends.

The information during discussions between different methods of keeping plants and equipment gave me a lot of information to research.  You all have so much knowledge that my poor brain got a good way.  I am now thinking of redoing my tanks with three different methods to try.

Thanks to everyone!


Had not seen this thread so will post my message here as well:

On behalf of the MAS members that participated yesterday, we would like to thank all the OVAS members that made this exchange event reality, especially Errol for starting this, Greg for the coordination and Mike and Liam for opening their homes and fish rooms for us.

We made new friends, reinforced others, learned and got greatly inspired for trying new things in this hobby that has so many aspects.

The program, hospitality and catering were unrivaled and now that we have decided to make this an annual event, sets the bar high for us here in Montreal. But we will do our best and hope to see the participants from yesterday and many more here in Montreal next year!


DSC06641 (2) by Biulu, on Flickr