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I wanna talk about me!

Started by Jesse, December 11, 2006, 06:14:41 PM

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Hello everybody, my name is Jesse. Im 15 and I live in Barrhaven. I have only been interested in fish for the last two years or so ever since I got a job at Superpet. I currently have a 50g planted community setup and have intentions on setting up a 120g with either discus, a silver arowana, or a fastwater stream. I also have 2 little bettas.

    As much as I now like fish, I like herps even more. Reptiles have been my "pasion" for years. I was one of those kids that would go out with their dad and catchj frogs and turtles and whatnot. I have a few herps at home and will keep going! I have a red-tailed boa, cornsnake, ball pythons, a beardie, a white lined gecko, and a green iguana. Most people on this site have a fish room, I myself have a reptile room (i will get pics someday!). Some of my hobbies are reptile/fish related, such as drawing/photographing, and writing care sheets about them. I have got a few of my friends involved, and my neighbours aswell. They are always over to see the pets, and then eventually I convinced them to get pets. They got beardies, one of my favorite herps.

   Another one of my favorite hobbies is music. I play guitar and I am a vocalist in a band. Its nothing huge, just me and some friends jammin' basically. I write lyrics when im too bored to draw some herps or dont feel like writing care sheets. I have an epiphone les paul special 2 guitar, and some german acoustic guitar (cant remember  the brand name). I like punk music, along with emo, death metal, hard rock, classic rock, just about anything that has a guitar. Im even guilty of likeing country music.
    Another hobbie of mine is video games. Im ot obsessed, but I do like to sit and play some Halo 2 for a while ;). I play Xbox and gamecube, and I am waiting for my Wii to arrive at EB games. I only play maybe an hour or two a week, but I get really into it.

    I like to build stuff. My dad has taught me everything he knows about construction and the like, and he lets me use his tools. I built myself my reptile room, with the aid of some friends. I build random stuff sometimes, alot of birdhouses and chairs.

   I play sports too. I like the usuall soccer, football, rugby. But my favorite sport is extreme biking. I love to go to the surrounding areas of sudbury and tear up (not literally) the forests. I go 15-20 times a year,, and surprisingly dont break alot of bones.

   Now that I have told you abit about myself, now everybody else lets go start typing!


Welcome Jesse, it sounds as though you have a broad spectrum of interests, always a good thing.

What sort of plants do you keep in your community tank, and do you have the means of posting pictures of your fish?

Halo2 is pretty cool, especially the part where you get to be the "other" guy. I hate the "flood" though, really too creepy for me.


Ahh Halo2 haven't played in 6 months.  Miss the immature rantings of the online players.