New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Coming to the area soon

Started by Pyrrolin, June 04, 2014, 11:16:20 PM

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I will be moving to the Ottawa area in the next few weeks to Lanark from Kingston and I will probably be active on this forum.  I have been on the GTA and the local Kingston forums for quite a while.

In Kingston, I have been selling plants as a sideline and am wondering how much of a market I could have in Lanark.  Not much in the town of Lanark itself but wondering ff people in the surrounding areas would be interested like Perth, Carleton place and all the tiny places in between.

Do I plan to make room for tanks for growing plants or just not bother and stick all my extra tanks in storage?


You might get some traction from areas around Lanark, but I'm not sure how many people there are to market to out there. It's pretty far from Ottawa too and I find people here don't like to drive across town to pick stuff up without asking for price reductions, much less as far as you are going to be.

One good bit of news is the chip truck in Lanark - Munchin Junction.   Best poutine I've ever had from a chip truck.   Sometimes we drive out there on Sundays from Ottawa if we don't have much going on.
I haz reef tanks.


Stussi is right for sure.  There seems to be a "thing" about Ottawa people not wanting to travel any distance as if its going to take years.  By distance I mean even 10-15 KM.

I however am from outside the city and don't mind a good drive :)  (However I am Saltwater, not fresh )
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


If you make your way into the city on the weekend you could sell lots I would think. Or even at our monthly meetings. There are lots of plant people around Ottawa.


Welcome to OVAS, hope you enjoy your stay her & share as much as you can. You will probably find the Plant hobbyist here a tad more passive than say GTA for example , but don`t let that stop you from participating.


Are meetings in the west end area?

I have to pick up dirt and sand for moving the 90 gallon.  The substrate layers will be totally destroyed when I remove a couple of the plants that have huge root systems.  But at least the other smaller tanks can be moved with substrate in them.

Wish a few bags of eco complete black fine were in the budget to reset it up.

The most complicated part of this move is moving my fish stuff over an hour away with many hills in between.  I'll be using a larger cooler for the fish from the 90.  The other smaller fish from other tanks will probably end up in a couple buckets or maybe bags in styrofoam coolers.

At least I won't have to use dechlorinator anymore, new place is on a well.


I would imagine Lanark has virtually no aquarium interest, let alone aquatic plant interest. Even Ottawa is quite tame in terms of plant sales, but I found it helps to get to know the more hardcore planted tank folks.
125g, 32g, 7g


I am now in Lanark greatly downsized aquarium wise.  Have my main 90, 2.5 betta, son's 37 fancy goldfish and a 50 gallon sitting under the 90 which houses all my extra plants.  I just need to find the time to organize the plants in the 50, they have been just floating in there for a couple weeks.

Lots of melting has happened in the 90 main tank but hopeful the plants will start to recover soon.

Got a co2 regulator I had ordered a month ago and just need to wait until at least next month for a 10 lb co2 tank to use it.

Need to do a large wc to remove tannins due to having new dirt in the tank.  Might even add some carbon for a while to help tannins to.