New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

New to the OVAS - looking for help/suggestions

Started by JEF, November 11, 2018, 09:52:35 AM

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Hello, I am new to the OVAS and attended my first meeting in October. Thanks to all for being so welcoming. I am just getting back into the hobby again after about 15 years. In my efforts to buy used equipment, I came across a young family who had just moved into their house but the previous owners had left a 45 gal tank with 6 large (4-6 inch) goldfish behind. The new owners  were doing their best to keep the fish alive but the tank was in pretty bad shape. Yesterday, I moved the set up to my house but I am afraid the tank may not cycle well. It only had a small HOB filter with poor circulation. I have done my best to preserve the bacteria in the filter and gravel but I have my doubts.  I have also added another filter but it is new and will take a while to cycle. I don’t know anything about goldfish but from what I read, these guys are likely overcrowded. I am looking to re-home them for free to anybody who can take care of them. I would hate to see them suffer if the tank goes downhill. If you want them or can offer some helpful advice, please contact me. BTW my interest are in Lake Tanganyika cichlids but that’s for another post. Thanks, John


You're on the right track adding additional fitration. If you run both at the same time, it shouldn't take long ( a week) for what cycling bacteria existed in the old filter/surfaces to colonize and establish the new filter media. Otherwise I'm sure a pet shop
Like Big Als would test your water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrates. Nitrates may need reduced depending on how long it's been set up, you can use resin media like nitazorb, slowly work up to larger water changes or adding plants can help. They may eat the plants - but it's good for them...
And you're welcome to pick up some Salvinia floating fern from my place to help with nutrient control! (Good to have regardless) Hornwort is another good one.
Goldfish generally prefer neutral to alkaline water, so avoid driftwood. Usually goldfish stop feeding when something is seriously wrong, at that point test your water. Feed sparingly while you are still cycling.
I hope you can find a home for them on here or online.


Thanks for the reply and offer for plants. The fish are still eating so I am keeping my fingers crossed for now!!! I'll try to buy some plants at the net OVAS meeting. I think it is a miny auction.


Good to hear the fish are eating and doing well. Feel free to Keep everyone updated with how things a are going, hopefully it all works out :)

Next meeting is a plant and livestock auction. Normally there are lots of plants for sale so you should find something.