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Yuck, its ICH

Started by homestar726, April 18, 2007, 09:28:56 AM

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My experimental 10g planted tank has gone horribly wrong. I introduced a pleco from a LFS (Which i will not mention) and he had ich. I hav elost almost all of my cardinal tetras yesturday, and this morning I noticed the pleco is dead too. I still have 1 cardinal tetra, and 5 headlight tetras. What do I do? I bought the Melancine or whatever, but it only indicates to use on days 1,3 and 5. I added it yestuday, and the tank has not improved. I did add so aquarium salt (2tbps). I was told this is for the fish and will not treat the water. Is there anything else i can do, or are they all just going to die off slowly through the next few days?  :-[

Help.  >:(

On a happy note, my 55g Cichlid tank is going great. And the 29g I gave to the parent is super healthy too. Good thing that pleco went in the experiment tank (it was supposed to be hers, but her tank wasn't ready for a pleco yet... Not enough sources of natural food for him....)  :)


From what I have read here you may want to raise your water temperature some bit.  This used with the medicine will help getting rid of the problem.  More experienced fishkeepers will more than likely have better advice or at least will be able to confirm this and add more advice to this one.


Get the temp as high as you can to speed up the ich cycle.  86-88 degrees if you can.


anything else i should the "Clean" the water?


Also be sure that if you are using a medication to remove any active carbon from the filter.


If I'm not mistaken you should also be doing some gravel vacuuming? Salt, increase of temp. and gravel vac. should do the trick? And reduce stress on the fish ie) regular water changes, not adding unquarantined fish, not overfeeding etc. since I believe I read somewhere that Ich is present in most all aquarium setups? HTH
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