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20-Gallon Aqueon Ascent

Started by th3budd, March 10, 2019, 12:06:05 PM

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The inspiration for this tank came when I purchased a 50 gallon corner tank on Kijiji, even though I have nowhere to put it. I bought it because it was a smokin' deal and had a massive amount of Anubias in it.

Here's the original pic from Kijiji:

But when I went to pick it up I found the Anubias coated in a black algae (it's not BBA).

Figuring I could clear up the algae with some Bushynose Plecos. I brought the tank home with the help of Tanksalot360 and borrowed 1/2 a dozen bushynoses from him.

Here is a pic of the tank with the algae covered Anubias visible:

After 24 hours it became apparent the plecos were not interested in this algae. It is a hard plaque-like algae and very difficult to rub off. Here is a close up of the algae:


After researching the forums, I decided I was going to need to do a bleach dip. I decided to do a test batch first. So I started with a small clump attached to a rock. Here's the method I used:

1. Bleach dilution 1:20 - 100ml bleach to 2000ml water

2.  Submerged anubias for exactly 4 minutes

3.  Moved to 5-gal bucket with tap running to overflow for 2 mins

4. Poured out 1/2 the bucket of water and added a big "glug" of Prime and let soak for 10 mins.

5. When I put the plant back in the tank I could see that most of the algae was gone.

6.  Within a few hours the Plecos took interest and started working on the plant.

Here is the test plant 36 hours later with a pleco clinging onto a leaf, as you can see there is still some algae left,  but the plecos are now working on it.


Everytime I go into Big Al's this tank catches my eye.

I like the angled lid and the LEDs built right into the glass.

I like the black trim.

I like that the HOB suction cups inside the tank and not on the outside so it can go flush against a wall without any annoying vibration noise.

So I pulled the trigger and brought it home.

The tank is going to sit right where it is in this pic. On the floor.

I'll undoubtedly dirt this tank, but I'm not sure yet just how I will scape it. I'll take a week or so for the muse to strike me, but I am inspired by this video:

Stay tuned for more. Up next will be a video of dipping the rest of the Anubias and a follow up on the results a few days later.

PS. If you'd like to know how to embed a video in your post, download the PDF attachment on this link for instructions:


Cant wait to see what you do tanks on the ground are a pain as you usually cant start a suction with a normal siphon so I hope you have a python lol.


I have the 10 gallon Ascent and really like the style of it.

I eventually swapped the filter out for an air driven corner filter and a dual sponge filter.

My endlers and cherry shrimp thrive in it.



Did the Bleach dip today.

Basic procedure was:

1.  1 litre bleach to 20 litres water in the kitchen sink.

2.  5 minute soak in 1:20 solution.

3.  Drain solution and clean leaves with kitchen scrubbing pad for 7 mins.

4.  Dunk in clean water to rinse.

5.  Soak in fresh water with a big "glug" of prime for 10-15 mins while continuing to scrub leaves.

As soon as I put it back in the tank, the bushynose who had previously ignored it were all over it.



Now I'll wait and see over the next 48 hours how they held up to the dip.

I'll probably remove the plants from the ornaments and propagate into numerous pieces and attach to driftwood when I scape the new tank.


Great write up!! Awesome results so far!


Nice salvage operation!  Awesome when you can get the critters to do the work for you.

Bleach and bushynose it is! Got a similar issue with some of my anubias. Just seems to build up (diatoms?) over time...


Quote from: Gilbotron on March 13, 2019, 12:37:58 PM
Nice salvage operation!  Awesome when you can get the critters to do the work for you.

Bleach and bushynose it is! Got a similar issue with some of my anubias. Just seems to build up (diatoms?) over time...

Yes, does seem more like a diatom than an algae. though it didn't grow on leaves that were shaded by other leaves or on the underside. Very hard and resistant to rubbing off. Here's a thread of somebody with a similar problem and solution:


Thanks so much for posting.  I have a problem with diatoms as well and this winter things are again looking horrible . I have bare bottom tanks and suspect the fact that I use small pots ( from $ stores ) and large river rocks from LFS to weigh down plants contributes to my problem. Will try dipping to help out however am concerned about killing beneficial bacteria. I will try to rotate plants to dip for now. 

My new BN Pelco does help on tank glass and doing a good job however it is in QT now and until he can visit other tanks not available for multiple tank clean up use.

Any one know how you can find out what contributes in the tank  and feeds this problem ?  Can you buy locally something to test for this ?



Dirted this tank although I won't have a lot of planted plants, I want the nutrients from the soil to leach into the water column.



Plants came off without too much difficulty, had to cut some pieces into sections to get them off, but this should spur some new growth.


I saved the water and a bag of bio-balls from the 50 gallon that I got the plants from, so the new tank is pretty much cycled from the get-go.

The Manzanita wood is not 100% waterlogged so I had to weigh it down with rocks. As a result the overall hardscape shifted from how I want it and I will have to readjust later.

Anubius is not glued or tied it is just "tucked in" for now.

I'm waiting for the "wood snot" phase to pass as I may have to remove wood and scrub; however, I am going to try a bushynose pleco to see if he can clear all the slime off the wood as it emerges.

I've added - but not yet planted - a Green Tiger Lotus and a Ptamogeton Gayi. Will also be adding something with more color/contrast but not sure what yet. ANY SUGGESTIONS?

I wound up placing the tank on a piece of wood on the floor. Here it is setup between my 45 gallon and my tv stand

Stay tuned . . .


Great progress pictures!
Keep up the good work


Fresh water in the tank - is the main thing for aquarium and fish's health. What I've done - is a merged kitchen faucet (one of these: with some other automation stuff and filter, so it became really cool. So it started auto-filling process in certain hours of the day... and from that moment - water became clean and really fresh.

TH3BUDD, nice plants.
But wouldn't it be too hard to clean them in that interlacing "jungles"?