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125G freshwater planted tank

Started by Brine, February 16, 2011, 11:03:38 PM

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I can't seem to take a decent photograph....but here is a video clip


Looking real good! :)
I like the moss covered wood, is that regular java or one of the other
special mosses?
Looks like Mr. Frog is enjoying all the plants.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


The moss is a combination of types. Mostly java but there is some flame moss and some other types as well.

Good eye spotting the frog!


Gorgeous! I'm gobsmacked at the beautifully aquascaped tanks posted here in the last few days. I love what you did on the hood. Very clever. But I didn't see the frog. :)
9G planted Edge w/ pure strain Endler's livebearers

Brent Shaver

Great looking tank.

Would love to know more detail on how you did your lid/plant filter.

White Lightning

Nice Job! All these nice planted tanks really have me wanting try my luck with plants. I just may do that as I am sure the Giant Auction will have loads of plants to choose from.


Brine looking great dude! Haven't scene it in sometime was wondering who it was coming along? Makes me miss my planted tanks almost enough to setup again but having fun not pruning rock in my African & marine setups... LOL Looks great!
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but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."