OVAS Club Forums => POTM Contest => Topic started by: charlie on September 14, 2017, 01:07:33 PM

Title: Rebirth of the photo of the month
Post by: charlie on September 14, 2017, 01:07:33 PM
Hello OVAS members,the executive has reviewed this feature and has decided to re-establish this monthly friendly activity.
This will be open to carded OVASþ club members only.
A new theme will be posted at the beginning of each month beginning  in October and the deadline for posting will be the last day of that month, voting will run from the first of the preceding month on the 7th day of that month, a pwinner will be announced and a prize awarded at the upcoming monthly club meeting, which the winner has to attend in order to receive his or her prize.
Please review the detailed rules stickied at the top of this thread.
Looking forward to our members participation.
Kind regards