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*Newbie* Just aquired 34-gallon RedSea Max... have questions!

Started by JaSoMi, August 10, 2008, 08:57:47 AM

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Hi everyone,

I have set-up my substrate and liverock, and we are on day 5 today. The pH levels are at 7.8, ammonia is at 0ppm, nitrite is at 0ppm, salinity 1.024 and temp is 76.8.

I put a few turbo (turban?!) snails in and was offered polyps yesterday. I don't want to rush the tank at all, but based on my limited knowledge, I have a feeling it hasen't even started cycling yet. Are my suspicions correct?

Doesn't the ammonia levels need to rise from 0ppm? The nitrite also?
Can I add anything else in there for now, other than fish?

I added some "Stress Zyme" yesterday, which was recommended from RedSea. I am hoping this will boost the tank a bit into cycling. Any suggestions for a newbie?!

Thanks!  :)


Hey welcome aboard JaSoMi nice to meet you. I am not a salt water guy at all into freshwater and plants. There are tones of saltwater aquarists here so you will get lots of help I am sure. In freshwater tanks we sometimes throw in a peeled/cooked shrimp. It starts to decay and kicks off the cycle - remember to take it out later though. The nitrifying bacteria is created from ammonia (NH3) being consumed by nitrite (NO2) then to nitrate (NO3) then WCs balance NO3 levels. Here are a couple good reads on the topic: and Here is another great read on the fishless cycling your tank: Hope some of that helps you.

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What does your membership bring you you might ask?  8) Well discounts from OVAS Sponsors, full access to the forums Lounge and Photo Gallery, borrow books from the Library, and registration on the OVAS Breeders Directory. Not to mention free admission to most special events & speakers.

Thank you!
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I think they need to get dan is own ovas sponsored forum for membership solicitations  :D

If your rock was fully cured you wont get a big ammonia spike but you want to let those snails work away for a couple of weeks without adding anything more. The algae monsters will come soon and you want make your way through that before making any significant livestock purchases.


Your rock is fully cured so you shouldnt get any big spikes of ammonia.

Personally I wouldnt add any of those gimic products like "stress Zyme".
Just take your time and your tank will be ok.