New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Hi everyone

Started by Pogue, November 14, 2013, 11:52:54 AM

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Hi Everyone,

I'm obviously new here.  I've checked out the forums a couple times over the years, but never signed on.
A bit of my history in aquarium keeping:
I had a fresh water aquarium as a kid, but only for a short while.
Then in my 20's I had a 30gallon saltwater setup, which I ran "OK" for about 1 year, until I took it down.
Time passes, we grow I have kids and decided to setup an aquarium for them/me.
I've been running a simple 10gallon fresh water tank for about 1.5 years now.  I've made some mistakes along the way, but the tank is doing well.

The fresh water tank and my kids interest in it, have re-inspired me to get back into Saltwater/Reef.
I may have the slowest build going, as I've been picking up bits and pieces of equipment since the spring and haven't set anything up yet.

My current project, which I'm quite excited about is a 75g reef tank, which I hope to finally have water in it by the end of the month.

I will likely be talking with a number of people here and look forward to being part of the community.


Welcome to OVAS!

Glad to see you aboard. Keep us informed of your progress, and ask questions! You may be interested to know that we now have a resident expert in saltwater aquarium keeping, Albert Thiel. Have a look at this board: "Ask Albert Thiel!" under the Saltwater area of our forum.

Looking forward to your questions and contributions to our online community.

Andre Martin


Welcome aboard , always a good thing to have another local hobbyist among us, as Andre pointed out with the presence of our resident expert in the saltwater realm of the hobby , you picked the right forum & time to join the community.
make sure to find out about the club & it`s activities.


Good point Errol -
we have a Bowling Night planned for Monday, November 25.
See the following thread and add your name if you're interested in meeting the gang and join in on the fun!