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First pond/outside tank project.

Started by matttimms49, May 09, 2018, 07:05:00 PM

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Looking for advice with starting an outside project now the weather has warmed up!

Was thinking of putting some white clouds outside with some plants as an experiment. Does anyone have experience of setting up a summer temp pond? Is there a cheapish way to do it?

All advice, welcome :)


Over the past 2 years I have kept tubs in my backyard. I use small heaters and air pumps and have bred guppies and grown plants in them. If you want something cheap i would go for a storage container from walmart or somewhere like that. I would make sure you use a more rigid plastic thats not flimsy. Hope this helps


I've done lots -small pond liners, lined whisky barrels, or just Rubbermaid tubs sunk in the ground. Home Depot used to sell simple sponge filters with a bell fountain on the top.

I've kept fantail goldfish, bettas, and white clouds outside - they all did really well, just bring them in before they get too cold.

Here is one of the setups.


Great, thanks for the feedback. Is there any website online with a step by step process. I don't really know where to start in terms of hardware. Can you use a glass aquarium outside? How do you set up electronics outside in case of rain.


Water features and indoor aquariums are pretty similar, with a few exceptions
- Algae can get out of hand, fast
- Temperature swings - dug in the ground is better for maintaining the temp, thick walls (ie whisky barrel) for above ground. I know some people have used aquariums (I have not) but I would keep it in the shade if I did
- Overland water - you need a raised edge or ground water will get in
- Predators - herons, frog, snakes, Japanese water beetles, dragonfly nymphs I have had them all (don't put you favorite fish outdoors!)
- Electrical - I use a sockitbox, but Tupperware could work
- Filter - use an internal filter
- Fish - Coldwater fish are easier

My most basic water feature was a black 20 gallon Rubbermaid container sunk in the ground with some floating plants and a pump similar to the one in the link. I had the happiest white clouds I had ever seen, they bred like crazy.



Thanks for the info and the link. I'm renting my place so not sure I could dig a big hole for a pond, so will think an above ground option is my best option.


When I was renting I had a small garden, I just built the water feature into the garden. When I moved, I pulled the tub and just filled in the hole with soil from the garden.

I have also used a big 40 gal fiberglass plant pot to grow a water lotus on the patio, I threw fish in it as well. Even without any filtration the white clouds seemed to thrive.