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Cichlids and Lobsters

Started by woodendude, September 18, 2007, 02:02:30 PM

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I've always enjoyed seeing the blue and red lobsters at local stores when they have them in. How well would they do in an established/mature fish 2-4" tank.... Would the cichlid torment the lobster ? And what are the chances of losing fish to him ? And finally what do lobsters eat?



Quotewhat do lobsters eat

i believe Cichlid is their dish of choice.

actually i don't know but i think you would be looking at a PH issue. arent FW lobsters more acidic?

i guess it depends on what type of cichlid you are looking at.


It really depends on what type of cichlid we are talking about.

For example, I had a friend who had a mature Oscar.  The oscar's "treats" included ghost shrimp and the odd feeder.  Very rarely, but sometimes for a challenge, he would give him a blue lobster (really a crayfish if I'm not mistaken).  Rest assured, it wasn't a fight the lobster could win.


You can keep lobsters with smaller africans (not something big like an Oscar) easily enough.  If the fish is say, 3-4" you're pretty much ok, 4-6" and no issues either way.

However, alas, there is one big problem...the lobster/crayfish WILL escape your tank.  It is only a matter of time.  You will find him on the other side of the room dead on the floor within 6 months.


The tank I was thinking of keeping one is houses a variity of cichlids, sizes presently range from 1"-4" and nothing I have to my knowledge will get bigger then than 4"-5" . I had never heard that they are Houdini's, of course they don't tell you this at the LFS.


They are (houdini's).  You wouldn't likely find anyone on here who's had a lobster for years :)

That being said, they aren't terribly expensive and it might be a fun challenge to keep one.


When i set-up my fish room in its early days i had 2 Oscars  3-4"  and 5-6" Blue Lobster.
First the lobster got out and scared my friend by walking across his foot "priceless".
Then 2 months later he was found struggling on the living room floor tried 2 give him 2 the Piranha's no go,  ends up a skunk riped the garbage open for him.  then the one Oscar jumped out.  the other later died from being alone.

P.S. I would say the are a cool looking item but unless the tank is completely covered they will get out mine climbed the power head cord and the heater/ filter in lite.   

Cheers Jordan


Well I went out and bought what is called an Australian blue lobster today, looks like a regular blue crayfish to me. I've sealed what openings I had at the back of the canopy as best I could..I'll let you know if he's still around in a few months.


Well it's been 2 months and a bit and he's still around.. He's molted 3 times and has  probably come close to doubling his original size. I don't really get to see much of him except at feeding time, he devours the sinking cichlid pellets and chases the fish away to get his fill.