New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Good Evening All

Started by elad, December 11, 2006, 08:31:53 PM

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Good evening everyone in the valley

My name is Dale and I currently have a small 20g reef that I want to get going the Tank has been set up for 2 years and all that is in there are 2 clowns 1 mushroom coral and a power line of cleaners some red hermits some blue hermits a couple of turbo snails and 1 Mexican turbo snail he is been in the tank the longest of all residents. and is doing fine eventually I want 1 more fish of about 3 inches in length and then stock the tank with a line up of easy enough to keep corals the mushrooms the polyps the torches and the zoo frags etc.

I also Have 100g tank that is currently empty and sitting in my living room that I would like as a fish only setup and a 90g diamond corner sitting on the powder room floor.  now these two tanks are the ones I am looking at getting drilled and setting up sumps for which I have no Idea on how to do.

I am new to the saltwater hobby but I have been keeping wild caught cichlids for years and I still Love them but there is not a whole lot of good buyers around and the quality I was getting had got poorer and poorer so I decided to go reef.  and This is where I am at.

any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated

thanks to all that will reply or have replayed you suggestions and I ideas I know will be very helpful in the long run.

So This should help out with the getting to know me part and I hope to get many more replies.

Cheers Dale AKA elad
Solana 36 gal SW
35lbs LR
1black clown
A few cleaners
Aqua illumination  Sol LED light fixture
8 puck 24 led blue,royal,white,light
1 vortec MP 40
1 reefkeeper lite
2 hydor korilias 750

Seriously need to add to the tank lol


Welcome Dale, it must just pain you to have such tanks sitting empty mocking you from their spots, waiting for some action to get them started.

There is some unwritten law here I'm sure; beavers can't stand the noise of rushing water, it hurts their ears, so they plug it up until the noise stops; otters can't stand the silence, they're like children, so they go and poke holes in the beaver's dam so that they can play in the water slide; and MTS aquariophiles can't stand to see a tank empty, it hurts us somehow, so we find yet another spot to fit it in and fill it with even more precious fish.

What sort of WC Africans did you keep?


The Africans I kept for all of you wanting to know were tropheus Morri Moliro Red, Altolamprologus calvus, Altolamprologus compressiceps, and Cyphotilapia frontosa,Aulonocara sp. Stuartgranti Maleri Maleri Island, Aulonocara Mbamba bay and a few more of the peacocks if I could find some good stock I would probably get a few africans and set up a tank for them.

anybody know anybody that sells some good stock weather it be wc or first generation would be greatly appreciated.

My Favs are the malawi peacocks,tropheus and altolamprologus/calvus/compressiceps

Cheers all

Solana 36 gal SW
35lbs LR
1black clown
A few cleaners
Aqua illumination  Sol LED light fixture
8 puck 24 led blue,royal,white,light
1 vortec MP 40
1 reefkeeper lite
2 hydor korilias 750

Seriously need to add to the tank lol


Dale Stev000 saya he has G1 of alto calvus and alto comp look him up
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!