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Sick goldfish -- ich??

Started by Karen03, July 15, 2019, 05:36:02 PM

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Hello. My first time here. I very recently put 3 fancy goldfish in a small pond. White spots appeared on the tail fin of one of the black moors 5 days ago. I have been treating for ich with malachite green (from Big Al's) for 4 days. Today the other black moor is more grey than black. I've attached a photo. Does this still look like ich? Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
Please help!


I have no experience with goldfish. But I had a betta with Ich.

It didn't look like that. It was more like grains of salt. Imagine what the white dots look like on a pretzel


Looks like ich or velvet and an irritated slime coat. Malachite green is one of the best meds.
1. Test and correct water
2. Add aquarium salt (noniodized/pickling) - google for pond dosage
3. Look into a U.V. sterilizer to prevent ich in the future