New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Thanks for adding me to the club

Started by Nicole, February 04, 2021, 07:56:06 AM

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I am new to fish keeping, just over a year.  I started with a Betta cup from the Dollar store, I got ride of that right quick.  Learning how to care of the Betta I fell in love with Discus.  I friend gave me his 100 gallon tank that now has 9 beautiful Discus and 7 Cardinal Tetras.  I also have a 5 gallon shrimp thank, they are so much fun looking at.  I have a 20 gallon tank right that I am using as a quarantine tank right now - 1 German Blue Ran (the second one died) and 2 Sterba's corydoras (the other 4 died). 

I am hoping to learn lots from this group.  Again thanks for the add.

Have a great day and stay SAFE!