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ABS vs PVC pipe, good or bad

Started by cemantic, December 09, 2007, 11:32:00 AM

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Is there any issues with using ABS or PVC pipe in he aquarium?  It is 110 gallons.

I want to use some ABS 1.5 inch pipe around where the plants are so that the goldies don't keep rooting them out.  Been battling with them uprooting plants for a couple of weeks now.  They don't seem to eat them but love to dig them up.  This may be a vane attempt but my next move is to plant them inside a 4" piece of 1.5" pipe.  2.5" below the gravel and 1.5" above the gravel then surround them with bigger rocks.

My only concern is the ABS leeching chemicals into the tank.  I have the ABS pipe right now.

Is PVC better?


PVC is rated for potable water, ABS is used in houses for wastewater only.


So many people have asked this question and have gone ahead and used the ABS anyway (ABS is often the only thing easily available in some sizes) and I have yet to hear of anyone, anywhere, who has actually suggested the ABS has caused any problems whatsoever.


I have used ABS on many tank and never had a problem. The main advantage is that ABS is readily available and that the bends are way cheaper.

It sound like you will just be using some straight pipe though so if you are at all worried about it the price differene is very minimal.


I have both ABS and PVC in my tanks with no issues at all.



Thanks for the replies.

Put the tubes in the tank yesterday.  Now the rub will be does it work.  Hopefully the goldies don't manage to dig them up anymore.