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Pond plants

Started by beowulf, July 04, 2007, 07:53:21 AM

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What plants do you use in your pond?


If you are talking about floating plants - they are water hyacinth (this one has very nice flowers), water lettuce, salvinia. Also lilies.
As sunbmerged you can use hornwart, Myriophyllum (even gives very nice surface stems), Ludwigia, vallisneria, etc.
Besides that you may put a lot of different bog plants, e.g. iris.
Everything depends on the pond and bog area size.

Personally I like water hyacinth and water lettuce as floating. Sometimes plant lilies. As submerged I use Myriophyllum. Also have some bog plant, even don't remeber their names. The last one I bough during June auction - papyrus plant, if I'm not wrong...



It would be for a small whiskey barrel pond.  I want some plants but not for it to be completely covered as I want to be able to see the fish and other critters that will be underwater.


What I will do personally with this size of pond is add just one lily, that will give both leaves for cover and flowers, some submerged plants (cabomba or myriophyllum) and one grass-like bog plant - thats all. Too much plants will be not nice IMO.
What about pump?



Looking for a pump.  Might try and get one at Super/Pet\Smart if they are on sale.