Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Cleveland Ohio Extravaganza 2014 Nov 20-23

Started by limed, April 07, 2014, 01:09:36 PM

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Post some pics when you have a chance guys!
Look forward to hearing more and seeing your catches!


This guy from the Minnesota Fish Club at the Extravaganza sent a bunch of Fry for our club members.
He said they were on the endangered list and wanted to spread them around.
He also sent some down to the Kitchener area also.
They are from Lake Victoria.
Oreochromis Esculentus
1" or less.
They are free.
I will distribute  them to paid club members first before putting them out to everyone else.
So contact me if you are interested as soon as possible.


Mike L

 Hello all
After some quick research on the fish it is indeed endangered. However this fish can grow to over 20". I would think that only the biggest of tanks for this one. I thought about taking some until reading this.


This is a quote on the Cichlid Forum.

"Reported sizes of 50cm have been reported from Lake Victoria however 20cm is large in captivity. Interestingly, the Lake Kyoga population reached 26cm and smaller lakes yielded a smaller adult size for segregated populations in smaller waterways."

Mike L

 I guess that would make sense for tank raised. I would think their endangered status would also have a negative effect on how large they get in the wild as well given the over fishing and losing the habitat to more invasive species.


Hey Peter, sounds like you guys had a great time! Betcha the drive sucked in the snow though.... I really wish I had a chance to be there this year, if for nothing else to hear Ad's talk on the Congo side of Tanganyika. I've never heard him give that talk, and it was probably really informative.
I'm surprised that you didn't have any issues bringing those endangered fish back across the border. Usually any thing on the endangered list is turned back, but the reality is we are helping to repopulate them.
Take care


Great time always.  We missed you.
Really enjoyed all the talks.  
Took a bit longer to get there because we bypassed Buffalo.
All roads good on the way home.

I sent an email to Klaus.  
It is not on the CARES list but when googled it says endangered.
The guy who gave them to me also said they were on the endangered list and he wanted to spread them around.
It's also not on the AIRS list.
I guess I took a chance.


With Speaker Filipe Cantera


It was good to see you guys down in Ohio again :)

Here is a link to albums on the KWAS Facebook Page
Look at the ones that start with OCA 2014Nov21-23
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Cichlids: With great challenges come great rewards