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New to the forum!

Started by Oscardempsey, May 30, 2016, 01:30:21 AM

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Hello, I'm new to the forum! I'm looking to learn new things and get advice and pointers on my set up!
I'm current running:

135g freshwater tank. 72x24x18
X2 125g sponge filters
X2 55g external canister filter ( just installed today)
300w heater (temp: 83F)
Sand substrate
Large rocks for decoration

X21 African cichlids ranging from 2-4 inches
X2 Oscars one albino @3.5 inch and one black tiger @2.5 inch
X1 jack Dempsey @3.5 inch
X1 baby albino place. (Going to get 2 more)

I really want crystal clear water so I'm considering adding another 55g external canister filter to the tank. As well as a couple power heads.

Let me know what you think and what I can improve on thanks!

Mike L

Not clear about what  2 x 125 gallon sponge  means or the 55 gallon cannister means.  Could you give make and model.  As for the stock Africans should not be mixed with south American.  The oscars will get quite large and they have different temperaments. Do you know what Africans you have.  Most are very aggressive, but there are ways to alleviate some 9of the aggression.  So more info would help.


The two 125 sponge filter are submerged filters that are cylinder sponges that have an air line hooked up to them (old school way of filtering). And the external canister filters are made by marineland and they have an intake and exhaust hose that sit in the tank and an external canister with a 5 step cleaning system.


Hi and welcome to the forum😃.

May I suggest you post you're questions in the appropriate area, you will get more responses, since some people do not come into this area of the forum.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


so a new person to the forum, and sas is suggesting the "appropriate area" - why don't you just help this person out and tell them where - they have a variety of fish and are looking for help or just move the thread for them



you don't need to explain what a sponge filter and a canister filter are - we're all up on that

great tank size, by the way, 72 x 24 footprint is a really nice size for many fish and a great community setup

as to your query looking for crystal clear water, with the size of tank you have you could definitely improve filtration with some larger filters, specifically the canisters - a 55G canister on a tank that size with the # of fish you have(25+) is inadequate, a second is just getting to a bare minimum.
Usually, most hobbyists would double filtration on a given tank size - i.e. - an Eheim 2217 is spec'd to filter up to 160G tank - most hobbyists would put 2-3 on a tank that size

Filtration can be easy or complex. A couple of large canisters in your setup, for example and you can forget the need for sponge filters. Sponge filters on their own are very effective but not great for the look of the tank. Depends on what you want, but with good canister filtration or sponge filtration, you don't need both.

Good luck.

Mike L

 I use sponges over intakes on powerhead in my tanks because they pick up  a lot of debris. They are easily cleaned as the need arises.  Many people prefer the cleaner look of the tank without them though but I  feel with cichlids and the mess they make this approach works for me. So you could purchase powerhead to attach to the sponges.  It will greatly increase the efficiency  of them and also greatly increase water movement. BTW  a temp of 83 is a bit on the high side. 76 to 78is fine for most cichlids. Feel free  to ask any questions. Alway good to share ideas.  Oh and welcome to the forum.


I agree with Mike that your temp is high for cichlids and the Oscar - 78 would be more suitable - the JD can handle higher but most of your stock would prefer cooler. If you're going to keep it higher, make sure you have lots of surface agitation as higher temps mean lower oxygen levels.
With your sponge filters, which I am assuming are probably 5-6" in width if they are rated for large tanks, you have the option of running them by air or you can run them with a powerhead positioned in the top of the lift tube. The powerhead will get you better flow rates as well as the water movement. In addition, it is typically quieter to run the powerheads than a noisy airpump.
Good luck.

fish finatic

Hey there I'm the guy you bought the tank from. As I said when you bought it Oscars and Africans do not mix. Temp is too high as said above. Your canister are too small as said by al. You would be better off getting 1 bigger one then having 2 smaller one. Also the sponges are more efficient with a power head but will run well with an air pump. Any other questions and I'm happy to help.


Hey man thanks again for the tank. Looks great, gave it a new paint job!
As for the tank I now have the tank running at 77 degrees and added a third 55 gallon canister filter. The oscar jack dempsey and the 26 cichlids are living in harmony. I add 5-10 feeder fish daily so th oscar doesn't even bother the cichlids.  I also added quite a few more rocks to give many fish places to relax.
Power heads will be purchased by the end of the week and might get one more canister filter but one made for 100+ gallons

Mike L

Why feeder fish.  Pellet would be more economical. The feeders will foul the water quickly.  How much water are you changing a week.  Do you know what Africans you have.  Some pics would help with identification if your not sure.  If some of the Africans are mbuna and some likely are they will cause issues once they mature. Just trying to advise.  Been keeping and breeding cichlids for 30 plus years.


I add feeder fish so that the Oscar doesn't feel the need to pick on any of the cichlids. And now that he's been spoiled with feeder fish hebarely eats pellets or flakes when I feed the other fish. He still loves blood worms though.
I have 5 or 6 fancy peacocks. Some kenji cichlids, fire bellys, bumble bee ones. I'm not in front of the tank I can't remember them all.
I have 3 bottom feeders and a few snails as well. In total I'd like to say there's about 28 2.5"-3.5" fish in a 72 long tank.


Forgot to add I do about 20% water Change per week.

Mike L

For many fish but especially cichlids 40 to 50% per week particularly  with your bio load. Otherwise your nitrates will get too high.Try never to have over 20ppm Within a year  the jd and oscars  will  be 3 times the current size.  Once the mbuna get to breeding age  again within the year the will become  a problem imo.  Keep a very close eye on your stock count every day as best you can. When you see fin nipping  or any fish hiding in the upper parts of the tank usually  in the corner  it is a sure sign  some fish are becoming dominant.  Most cichlids have a pecking order with the alpha male controlling the beta and gamma  and they in turn harass the rest.  Sounds like a lot to take in but once you set up and get used to it it becomes second nature.  I have 1 75 155,2 20 longs,  and a 30 long and can do all of the water changes in just over an hour.  Clean my cannister out every 6 to eight weeks  which I do on non water change days.  If your interested I can pm you my number  as info transfer is much faster by mouth.  Let me know
Regards mike


Thanks a lot for your help. Pm me your digits and we can exchange info