Aquarist Forums => 911 Emergency!!! => Topic started by: Tamaradebra on February 05, 2019, 10:19:30 AM

Title: Dead Pepper Cory and Dead Pleco Five Days Later -it was toxic plasticemia!
Post by: Tamaradebra on February 05, 2019, 10:19:30 AM
The blood is below the skin so does not appear caused by pecking post-mortem. The Cory had a bloated eye. Is there something common to Algae eaters? First my cardinals and now my Algae eaters. I should have stayed with the 10G!
Title: Re: Dead Pepper Cory and Dead Pleco Five Days Later - Mystery solved.
Post by: Tamaradebra on February 06, 2019, 08:50:16 PM
Ok I figured out my own problem. Toxic septisemia. I have a new 38 g bow front and my new plants were rotting and toxic yin get the water from lack of light. Hard to reach the depth and scope with the included lights. I am so mad at Marineland right now - my three year old was devastated to lose « Spot » his Bushynose pleco. Sigh.