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BA Innes Update

Started by mseguin, June 16, 2005, 10:26:44 PM

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#1 There have been a few shipemnts. A marine shipment, both invertebrates and fish, a wild African shipment (all Malawi I think), and various tropical fish (dwarf gouramis, livebearers, golden rams, tetras, etc).
#2 Whatever faults she has, Tania works hard at taking care of the fish.
#3 As for when we'll get more discus, I couldn't tell you. My guess would be 2 weeks, but also don't know what varieties. Most of the discus we get are about 2 inches.

After close examination, I'm about 90% sure those mystery Apistos are A. uaupesi


Also, just thought I'd mention that the specials on the web for Ottawa East are wrong, apparently head office scrweed up our list. You might have an unpleasant surprise if you come looknig for some of the fish we apparently have on sale.


Darn, I was planning on going to get some.  Any chance you can tell us the specials?  Also, any reason BA's West have no specials this week?

Mike S


The flowerhorn facing the sw tanks is awesome.


Can't remember them all but here goes. (to my best knowledge)
Ps. demasoni - 14.99
Heckel's threadfin - 2 for 5.99
Zebra danio - 4 for 1.99
Gold barb - dunno price
All discus 25% off
Peppermint shrimp (sw) - 12.99 I think
Red comet swords - not sure
Some platy
Kissing gouramis - 1.99 I think
Banjo catfish - 1.99
Gold Chinese algae eater - 2 for 1.99
Black neon tetra - 3for 1.99
Another tetra i forget which
thats the ones I can remember

As for Kanata, they probably didn't send the specials in to head office on time, or head office screwed up there too.


Quote from: "mseguin"
All discus 25% off

Too bad the additional 15% OVAS discount doesn't apply.  :lol:

Still. It might be worth making the trip out for the red turqs I've been hearing so much about!


there's a 15% off for ovas memebrs? wtf1?!?!


Yeah. I got the discount on everything I bought at BA Kanata a couple weeks ago, including my new lil' flowerhorn. I think it just doesn't apply to kits. (I saved about $16 which was nice and almost pays for the membership!)



Somebody dropped off a GSP theuy said had been in saltwater but when I checked th salinity it was freshwater, so we put it in a freshwater tank


ok cool thanks. Does he appear healthy? Do you know how big he is?

I really appreciate your help:)


2" maybe
Yes he looked very healthy.


But even though he came in in fresh water, this is a fish that should be kept brackish when young and transitioned to full marine when adult.


I intended to put him in the brackish section, but then I checked the there was no salinity (he also came with a flying fox) so I figured the best thing to do would be to put him in the freshwter.


Agreed Matt. The transition to brackish should be slow. And if you're busy at work and don't have the time then the fresh water section was the best place to put him.

I was just pointing out to Tim that this is a species that shouldn't stay in freshwater.


Thanks for posting the list of specials Matt.

Do you know when they took effect from?


They were the specials from last weekend. The new ones should be up sometime tomorrow on the site and will be effective from Saturday to Monday evening.