New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

My fish has gone crazy?

Started by Gowalkitoff, January 27, 2020, 08:52:10 PM

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So we are down 2 barbs, that's all jaguar.  But his hunting style is really interesting to watch and not like his territorial behaviour, I'll give him that.  Nobody is paying any attention to the poor little hap 44 now.

Jack is loving the recommended changes!  He hasn't gone pale once.  He is still a bit skiddish about quick and close up movements, but the overnight improvement is so amazing.  His color is rich and he has been out swimming and exploring, albeit cautiously when he gets to the other side where the previous uv pump was.  Fingers crossed now he can just keep recovering!


I just want to say thank you again for all of the input and ideas.  My jack has been doing amazing ever since I changed up the decor, added the background, and added dithers.  None of the fish I added were working (they were getting eaten) so I returned them and picked up another convict, 2 jewels, a red terror and a green terror.  All of them 2" or a bit more.  Everyone is fine, no fights, lots of balanced activity, and jack keeps coming out to dance and watch us eat dinner like old times.  The jaguar is handling everything very well too.  I never would have thought that the ambiance was furthering the problem.

I do appreciate it!  I know what I'm like, lol.