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BA Innes Update part 2.

Started by Laura, March 04, 2006, 06:53:00 PM

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My mistake, the frogmouth weren't in the SA order, they are Chaca chaca, 14.99.


New arrivals this week
SA shipment: rummnose tetras, eques and nanus cories, whiptail catrfish, twig catfish, and royal farlowell catfish, bumblebee catfish, diamond spot plecos, wild blue rams, etc

Tropical shipment: lots of tropicals, including scarlet badis, gold honey gouramis, xlg snakeskin gouramis, norman's lampeyes, chocolate gouramis, etc

Indonesian SW shipment, and Red Sea shipment due tomorrow.


how much the norman's lampeye usualy are?
370g System

220g tank, 65g Sump. octopus Cone skimmer xp-5000, vertex zf-30 nitrate reactor, RX6 DUO Ca reactor, Mp60w Ecotech pump, 2x 400w MH XM bulbs 15k. All controlled with DA RKE-net controller, Water Blaster HY-3000 return pump, Vertex Zf-15/Carbon, Vertex Zf-15/GFO




Pretty beat up, give em at least a few days. But very colorful.


how mutch are the rams ?? for a pair? how big does the tank needs to be to host a couple of rams ?


6.99 ea., I'd say 10 gal minimum, 20 would be better, with some dithers.


Quote from: Lt. L.T. Smash on May 26, 2006, 01:03:19 PM
6.99 ea., I'd say 10 gal minimum, 20 would be better, with some dithers.
thanks alot, errr btw what does dithers mean ???


Generally small schooling fish (such as pencils or small tetras) that both distract the fish and reassure them that no predators are nearby.


any way it could be ok whit 2 angels ?? their really peacefull, don't botther anyone, doing their thang in a corner of the tank (eating) or (waiting to eat) lol


370g System

220g tank, 65g Sump. octopus Cone skimmer xp-5000, vertex zf-30 nitrate reactor, RX6 DUO Ca reactor, Mp60w Ecotech pump, 2x 400w MH XM bulbs 15k. All controlled with DA RKE-net controller, Water Blaster HY-3000 return pump, Vertex Zf-15/Carbon, Vertex Zf-15/GFO


i personally done think the rams should be with angels. im sure it has been done. however, as the angels age their aggressive starts to show. They will need at least a 20g for the angels. I would say 30g would be better. High tanks would help to when dealing with the angles due to the rams prefering the bottom of the tank for breeding and other purposes. The angels prefer mid to top swimming.


I have had rams with angels in a community tank more than once with no issues.  Angels don't hang around the bottom much... rams do.  The rams and angels will meet in the middle of the tank at times, but I never saw any aggression between 'em

My angels would attack the otos in the tank, but the rams they could care less about.


I have angels in a tank with Apistos, and they never do anything, they occasionally pick on the betta on there, but notihng lower than mid level.


My personal experience with angelfish and dwarf softwater cichlids has been that even though the angels may be spawning, the boss male apisto does not back down, the angels do. The best they can do is keep him at bay, no injuries though, just a lot of bluster. I say the same for the rams, stodgy little buggers that are fierce about their spawn and back down to no one, not even me. I currently have rams facing off with discus that love to eat fresh fry, and they aren't losing any babies.

That being said, they do need to be treated properly with provision for territories via plant covers and the like, ways in which to keep them from being seen from every direction and vice versa. They are a huge fish in a little body, yet are definitely not a fish for the novice, they can also be quite delicate.

But they are beautiful enough with enough personality to make the effort to learn.

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New tropical shipment coming in tonight. Some highlights:
Beckford's pencilfish (finally), blue rams, flame tetras, axelrod's red rasbora, sterbai cories, glass goby, blue goby, amano and red nose shrimp, festivums, oscars, figure 8 puffers, etc


how much are the sterbais?
80- 5 Tropheus Brichardi Malagarasi
55- Planted Communnity
35- Discus/Angel Community
10- Breeding tank


how much for the rams? and how are they doing??