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You wanted pics of my algae? here you go

Started by groan, November 14, 2007, 10:36:24 PM

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there are kits available to test for both those things but there expensive and why waste the money testing store water that you just paid for?
good filters will do the same thing.
IMO I don't trust most kits as you read many many times how kits have gone bad, or, there out of wack etc..


no problem charlie. this thread is about algae infestation and if water quality is part of the equasion then your research could feed this thread too.

as for my water, if we can believe lables, is ro/di. It is purchased at shoppers drugmart, one of the only places i have found that carry ro/di water.
From the lable

Culligan 18.5 l
total dissolved solids <10PPM
Flouride content 0.0 PPM
Demineralized water by reverse osmosis with ozone added
Is that not RO DI? Maybe it's just RO...anyways, it seems pretty pure. Maybe i am reading it wrong.

nevermind, its just plain old RO...i looked it up. didnt realize the di was deionized and theres no mention of that on this lable.


Culligan is the best store bought water that you can buy from my experience. Before i bought an RO/DI unit i was using store bought water. I started with PC distilled and was having good luck for a while, then one day had a green hair outbreak and when I tested the PC water it was worse than straight tap water. I switched to culligan and checked it regularily and found it to be consistently good. As soon as I did the math though on the amount of money I was throwing away however i purchased an RO unit.


what about waste water? I understand it is a 4-1 ratio. That seems pretty high amount of wasted water.


I dont think the new ones are quiet that high.  i think mine is about 2 or 2.5 to 1.

plus you can use the waste water for other things.



Your waste water ratio is very dependent on your input pressure, temperature, age of membrane, and type of membrane.
Low pressure, low temperature, or a dirty membrane all decrease your flow rate.
I found that when I had a aquasafe systems RO unit the good to waste ration was about 10:1
On my current unit I also tend to find that I can make water much faster in the summer than the winter due to the elevated temp of the water going into the unit.


new addition to the Algae Fighters Club.

he's small, a bit larger than a twoonie. he seems to be enjoying his stay.

I expect I'll be upsizing the tank at some point next year, so Im sure he'll stay. He's very cool.

Terrible picture though.

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what kind of algea?? TANGS don't normaly even touch HAIR ALGEA if thats what you bought him for? you'll have to suppliment with NORI
seaweed. also, you've increased your bioload so it doesn't really help with algea, just another eater /pooper. ;)


i will suppliment with nori.
how come people are suggesting yellow tanks for algae grazers?
oh well he's a lovely fish, and i realize the bioload just increased. I'll be sure to keep on top of water changes.


they will graze all day long but most fish ignore hair algea. the yellow will graze the rocks etc.. :)


i had a scopas tang and he/she was eating red bubble algae....they'll eat pretty much anything...just wait and see what hes doing, you could get lucky and he'll eat hair algae, starve the tank a little and he'll graze....dont spoil him/her lol and it should eat it.


thanks for the advise.
i really like him and just to make his home nice i am considering trying to locate a 50 gallon sooner than later!! If the price is right...that is like almost free. hehe

i could probably transfer everything from this tank to a new one without having to add anything except maybe another 10 lbs of rock and then do a sump at a later time (i guess i'd want to drill the new tank first...)
but this is all for a new thread...


I wouldn't leave the yt in there very long.


Quote from: Julie on November 25, 2007, 05:29:35 PM
I wouldn't leave the yt in there very long.

you cant just say that and leave it be!



Even a 55 is frowned upon for a Yellow Tang - they are big eaters, big poopers and like alot of space for swimming.


agreed but if its that small you'll be ok for 4 months or so you'll have to upgrade because he'll start to grow and need the 4 foot of swimming room unless you've got it now you'll do better...


OK, Thanks guys. I was planning on going at least 4 ft for my next tank.

If it outgrows before i upgrade it will become available.


I find it funny that people are bugging him about getting a small YT when others get aplause for getting a regal... in equaly small a tank. the yellow tank is one of the easiest to keep and has the smallest tank requirment they are fast growing but he plans on upgrading his tank with in the nxt month.
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!
