New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Cichlid order,plants, salt stuff

Started by Mike L, May 16, 2014, 01:14:23 PM

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Mike L

  Hello cichlid lovers. I want to put an order in with Quebec Cichlid and wanted to see if any members are interested.  There is a minimum $150.00 for an order plus shipping and tax. What I am ordering however will only get me to $100.00 so I need some interested buyers. I have ordered from them before and have had no problems. They sell f0 and f1.Here is the link.
Regards Mike

Mike L

 Just a note for all you plantaholics and salty's that quebec cichlids also sells plants.Alsod salt water items and fish in there sister store.
Regards Mike


Do you know if Quebec Cichlids carry any Petrochromis Red Bulu Point? If they do I'm in.

Mike L

 I am making arrangements over the next 4 days to place the order so last chance if anybody is interested.
Regards Mike