New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by Ohkwari, October 22, 2020, 12:08:25 AM

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Thank you for accepting me into your forum.  I'm a retired navy diver and lover of all things aquatic. I've been in the aquarium hobby for most of my life. I've had an assortment of FW setups ranging from Nano to 250gal.  Everything from community tanks to specialized ecosystems (mostly freshwater and brackish water).  Some of my favourites included habits specific to lake Tanganyika, lake Malawi, amazon river, and my two personal favourites stingrays and puffers.  So after 30+ years in the hobby I've finally drummed up the nerve to try my hand at reefing.  I set up my first reef tank this summer, 90gal. Currently it's still pretty ugly but coming along nicely.  I have 2 black percs (ocellaris clownfish), 1 azure damsel, and 1 Hectori goby living in the tank alongside the cleanup crew (14 blue-legged herb crabs, 5 left handed hermits, 3 nerite snails, 5 astraea snails, 5 turbo snails, and a charming little scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp, etc).  The dt is a custom build with beautiful wood cabinetry and a large sand biofilter down below, Tunze submersible protein skimmer, 2 Hydor powerheads, inline UV filter, Maxspect Razor reef lights x2 complimented by added LED strip lighting in blue, white & black (UV).  135 lbs of liverock and aragonite sand for the substrate.  Not sure what else I can say.  Loving the sw experience thus far.  It's always fun to dive into something new.  I look forward to learning more from all of you here and chatting reefs.
Strength In Depth


Welcome, I recently started a Lake Malawi tank for the first time, but have done reefing for a bit of time. Best of luck.


That's awesome.  Lots of fun options in a Lake Malawi tank.  Thank you for welcoming me.  The pic in my initial post was as it was when I first set it up.  Here's how it looks now.  Still a work in progress of course.
Strength In Depth


Hi Ohkwari,
  Welcome to OVAS.
Glad you are loving your current project. New set ups are one of the big addictions in the hobby.
