New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by ajm1961, February 12, 2014, 06:52:11 PM

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Hi all!
Here's what we have in store for our next meeting on Monday, February 24, 7:00 PM upstairs at Tom Brown Arena:

- Club announcements - AquaMania details:
   - speaker line-up and schedule
   - confirmed vendors
   - Giant Auction details
   - list of volunteers needed
- Morrie Lightman will be presenting his experience in using the Seneye device for his pond
- Sid Arnold will be presenting: Adventures in Mudpuppy Collecting in Kemptville Creek ON

Swap tables are available to members at no charge. No mini-auction.
We will have food and drinks as usual.
Hope to see you there!!

Got Fish?


As per my shout out, yesterday's meeting was very enjoyable.

Morrie (Silverhorns) introduced us to the Seneye monitoring device. He owns one now for a few months and wanted to share his experience. This device is definitely a wave of the future, allowing the hobbyist to monitor an aquarium 24/7 for various parameters, such as NH3 (ammonia), PH, and temperature. The reef edition, which could also be used for the planted tank, also provides readings for the lighting: Par, Lux, and Kelvin. The devices readings are sent to their website, where the owner gets a private dashboard of all the data. It's a clever way to ensure water quality for the aquarium. For more information check out

Mike (Dxpert) then made a brief presentation on his experience with the Apex Neptune, a programmable controller and monitoring device. As a self-professed technology enthusiast, Mike really enjoys the programming abilities of this device. For more information check out:

Finally, our resident biologist, Sid Arnold, gave us a light-hearted and informative talk on Mudpuppy collecting in the Kemptville creek. These critters, Necturus maculosus, are foot-long permanently aquatic Salamanders. They are active nocturnal carnivores - abundant it seems in this creek. Sid has participated in some summer collecting with groups of people. It looked like a lot of fun! There are also special night viewings. You can see them under clear and shallow ice during winter months! For more information on mudpuppies at Oxford Mills/Kemptville creek, check out:

The pizza was also good and a few door prizes were awarded, including a 50w Tetra heater, an internal filter and ZooMed reef lightbulb. Also want to highlight the fact that three hobbyists from SAM (Societe d'Aquariophilie de Montreal: were in the audience, taking it all in. Thanks for coming down girls!

Thanks to all our presenters who took the time to do these very informative and fun talks, and to all those who came out last night. Look forward to our next club meeting on April 28 - speaker and details to come. In the meantime - see you at AquaMania!!!


Just wanted to thank everyone for the opportunity to share my adventures with mudpuppies. Appreciated the interest and questions. Will probably have a presentation for the April meeting on collecting "fairy shrimp" in the Ottawa area for use as live food for tropical fish.