Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Kribensis Fry! - When Can I Move Them? (Community Tank)

Started by JSkeleton, September 09, 2016, 09:25:45 PM

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Hey again!

So my Kribensis finally did breed, and I finally spotted the fry this evening! There must be a good..I don't know. . 20+ fry! (See attached blurry pics for reference!)

My question is that, I have 5 Emperor Tetras and 5 Diamond Tetras with them in a 50 Gallon Tank. I'm a bit afraid to lose them all. . .(Are Kribs good enough parents to protect from 10 Tetras in a 50?) I have one of those Breeder nets I was considering putting at least maybe 5 in to try and mature a couple weeks at least (or more?) to ensure saving a few at least, and let the parents raise the rest in the wild.

Question is 1: Should I even do that? or should I let the parents raise ALL of them in the wild and hope for the best? 2: If yes, when can I move a few without killing them (again just into a little breeder net in the tank). 3: If I do, how long do I leave them in the net for? When would they be mature enough that they would not get eaten?

Thanks in advance! :)



Kribs are excellent parents and if anything you should be worried for the tetra's, my kribs killed 5 of my fish in the first couple of days they had new fry. I moved all the kribs and fry out of my 220 gallon into a 55 gallon and they kept breeding until I had over 100 and gave them all away except one male and a beautiful young female.
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.