Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

plantacholic gathering

Started by charlie, August 20, 2014, 10:44:27 AM

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Please let us know what works for you ASAP.


I voted for the 6th.  I think I would be too tired from the garage sale afterwards.


I voted other in an attempt  to not  put weight in the balance.  I will see what the verdict is and take it from there.      Still hope to meet you all.


I have to work Saturday so unfortunately won't be able to come if it's on Saturday.


I vote for other since I won't be able to join until the end the month.
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
L007 ♦ L014 ♦ L034 ♦ L046 ♦ L106 ♦ L128 ♦ L134 ♦ L136B ♦ L183 ♦ L191 ♦ L200 ♦ L340 ♦ LDA031


Ok guys, the result of the vote are as follows

Sat. sept 6th - 5 (55.6%)
Sunday Sept. 7th - 1 (11.1%)
other - 3 (33.3%)

Edit Poll 
Total Voters: 9
Here is what I propose,
Given the Sat Sept 7th. commitment is the preference is the majority, I`ll host that 5 (up to 7 people if any last minute add on) @ my apartment from 1-3 PM.
With that base we can establish another date  for Sept. which is favorable to others, I would really like to get these plant gatherings a bit more structured & frequent.

I will PM those who are in for Sat. Sept 6 th. my address & contact #.

For Clarity -
This endeavour is not organised by the OVAS & is in no way a liability to the club.
This  endeavour is in no way an attempt to erode anything the OVAS Club stands for.
This endeavour upholds & embraces everything the Club stands for .
I stand firm in my loyalty to the Club( OVAS) & encourage all people on this forum to get involved with the Club by supporting it with a paid membership, let`s get organised & work with our only structured & registered club in Ottawa.
All that said, if you have an interest in planted aquariums you are more than welcomed to come hang out & meet your fellow plant hobbyist ( branded Plantacholics  ;D) where everyone there have the same common interest & can talk to you hearts delight without your spouse or significant other giving you that look  ;D



I appreciate your dedication to the club and the hobby Errol. I support the fact that members are taking it upon themselves to organize get-togethers and share their views and passion for a specific segment of the hobby. It's not easy trying to please everyone at the official club gatherings given the diversity of the hobby.



I missed the vote, however I would like to join. Sat. Sept 6 th works well. I think I still remember where you live, but please PM just incase I am wrong.


Quote from: Dxpert on August 27, 2014, 08:38:00 PM
I missed the vote, however I would like to join. Sat. Sept 6 th works well. I think I still remember where you live, but please PM just incase I am wrong.
See you on the 6 th ;)


Since I have a few parts kicking around for  a up coming CO2 Regulator build, I can do a short presentation of how to assemble your own CO2 regulators & the relevant parts etc, both Rah & Eric, have the same experience as me doing this, so they can also answer questions on this.
If this is some thing the others find favorable let me know, of course we can also talk anything plants, so this is a great opportunity to note your questions & I`m sure together we can make a few suggestions or at the very least point you in the right direction  ;)
I will provide some munchies, feel free to bring any personal beverage you like, if that choice is something alcohol, please do so responsibly as I do not support drinking & driving, so after 2 such beverages , I will not condone the consumption of more.


Quote from: charlie on August 28, 2014, 10:47:38 AM
Since I have a few parts kicking around for  a up coming CO2 Regulator build, I can do a short presentation of how to assemble your own CO2 regulators & the relevant parts etc

I'd be interested in a quick tutorial on maintenance and signs of potential issues in the future.


Just to confirm,
Rah, Eric, Mike, Guck ,Lucius - - -\Did I miss anyone?
Sat. my place 1-3


I unfortunately can't come, but would have loved to... been too long since seeing all of you, and I just flooded my 11 gallon iwagumi tank   :)


Quote from: charlie on September 02, 2014, 02:57:07 PM
Just to confirm,
Rah, Eric, Mike, Guck ,Lucius - - -\Did I miss anyone?
Sat. my place 1-3
I am a little confused.  Should I have been PM by now?


Quote from: guck on September 02, 2014, 07:23:46 PM
I am a little confused.  Should I have been PM by now?
Just waiting to confirm the list & I will PM all concerned at once.


Sorry for the delay.  Yes, I'm still in.


Thanks to those who made it out today, as usual it was a pleasant time spent with fellow hobbyist, where did the time go?
Looking forward to meeting again in Oct. since the word is daworldisblack will be having us over  :)
Regards Errol


Errol, thanks for hosting this. I enjoyed the company, conversation and your 79g tank, of course.
125g, 32g, 7g


Had a great time at my first meeting. Thanks for hosting Charlie and I'm looking forward to the next one. :-)
Mom of boys. Less drama than girls, but harder to keep alive