New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

fish and plant order just in

Started by marc-andre, February 11, 2012, 10:02:26 AM

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Hi everyone,


mountain white cloud
lg neon tetra
head and tail light
md golden diamond angel
green tiger barb
red tiger barb
yellow blood parrot
purple blood parrot
zebra danio
assorted guppy
dwarf gourami
blood red dwarf gourami
cobalt dwarf gourami
silver shark
yamato shrimp
yellow apple snail
sm calico fantail
sm. red fantail
md blue oranda

pleco in stock:

hi-fin albino bushymouth
starlight pleco
regular bushynose
albino bushynose


chladophora (moss ball)
hydrocotyle leucoephala
anubias nana
anubias barteri
cabomba caroliniana
cyperus helferi
egeria densa
microsorium pteropus
microsorium pteropus mini
vallisneria spiralis
cryptocoryne parva
cryptocoryne wendtii
ludwigia glandulosa
cryptocoryne pontederifolia
rotala macrandra green

i'm receiving another shipment for next thursday.

