New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

New Here :)

Started by xqueen.of.heartsx, June 18, 2008, 05:52:55 PM

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Hey, my name is Stephanie and something tells me I'm going to be one of the youngest here (I'm 17) but I decided to join because I'm planning on setting up a saltwater aquarium ;D I'm still in the research stage because I really want to plan everything well before getting in over my head (and I still need to wait for my parents to pay for some stuff ;) ) I'm really looking forward to looking around the forum and bothering you all with my questions because I've never done anything like this before. I did pick up a few books on the subject though so I am learning! :)



hey Stephanie, welcome. Damn, now i'm second youngest here, 19 :D. At least you are doing research, there's always some wackos that don't and end up killing fish. I'm pretty new to saltwater myself, started a couple months ago. You'll see my many posts on here :p.
Anyway, good luck with the saltwater, and enjoy! oh and unlike me, be patient.


lol patient is hard for me, but I know I have to be if I want everything to work out properly :)


You two are far from being the youngest, believe me!  We have quite a few around here. :)  Unfortunately, I'm not one of them.  :'(

Welcome Stephanie!  Glad to hear you're doing your research.  I haven't set foot in the saltwater aspect yet, but maybe one day...


Welcome Stephanie nice to meet you. A lot of people here that will help you for sure. Sure sounds like your doing the right thing 1st - Research! But to you & yaserrahim sorry your not the youngest my son Latios is 9 he he joined when he was 8 he's 10 in a month. He has his own planted tank has raised White Cloud Mountain Minnows and raises Cherry shrimp to. Oh did it sound like I was bragging? Sorry just a proud Pop...  8)

Look forward to some pics. You'll have to check out our meetings. Also lots of used stuff here too.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Welcome and indeed patience is so important with fish tanks, especially marine.  The more patience and the slower you take it, the less headaches and better results you will have down the line..