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Mini pond build experiment

Started by matttimms49, May 20, 2018, 08:13:45 PM

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Trying a pond out this summer. This is at prototype stage, got to live the plastic bag style ;)

Plan to put a few white clouds in there once it's fully set up.

What do you guys think. I plan on adding some emersed plants at the top and also some moss on the wood.

Can anyone recommend any plants?


I love ponds. I plan to build a greenhouse with a pond to enjoy year round some day. But until then...

I have some salvinia you can have. Also if you are willing to except a handicap fish - I had a large school of minnows but sold them recently. Except for one. He tried to wrestle mating rights from his father and lost horribly. His swim bladder has been permanently damaged since. He swims on his side most of the time. I mention this little guy cause if you get some minnows, it'd be good for him to rejoin a school. Its up to you.
90g with 20g sump - Endlers, Kuhli loaches, Betta, Pearl gourami, Salt and pepper cories, Ottos, Assassin snails, Unlucky trumpet snails


Thanks for the offer but I already have a small school of white clouds that I will transition.

Talking about transitioning... I know white clouds can survive outside but is there a minimum temperature I should be aware of? Should I be keeping the tub in sunlight for most of the day or should it stay in the shade?



Did some more work on the pond today. Made a custom filter, from a storage container a small pump and lava rock rubble and a sponge.

i think there is potential for some scapeibg with plants in the small over flow tub at the top. Have no idea what plants would work though. Is there anything I could grab from my tanks and try and grow emersed? I've put some weeping moss on the edge of the over flow and some java moss at the base of the wood, but I'm not sure if this will survive.

Any ideas? :)


This looks really good! Honestly much improved over the prototype and I like the lava rock filter.
All mosses should do fine outside, I'm not sure if it likes the direct flow but it should do fine creeping up that driftwood or parting around the waterfall.
Indirect sunlight is best for ponds to help control algae while still providing light for plants and controlling temp.
You should be able to keep the pond going until beginning of September without any temp issues for the whiteclouds.
Ludwigia, hygrophila, creeping jenny, pearlweed should all transition quickly to emersed. Crypts would be cool but I don't know how they handle the flow. A sword would be really cool. Suggestions anyway.


Thanks for the ideas and feedback. How much shade should the pond be getting? I'm worried it may not get enough direct sunlight at all to keep planar alive. I'm  actually not sure if the place I have put it gets direct sunlight at all. I will have to to a test.

Is there a good way to get the white clouds used to such a cooler temperature? Just the usual float in the bag technique?

Also thanks for the plant ideas, are they all for the emersed pool at the top? Or for actually planting in the pond itself.

I would like to try a lily of some kind I think :)


Very nice!

If your looking for plants for filtration/water quality - hornwort would do amazing floating. Also, you could add some terrestrial plants like pothos or peace lily - those could give lots of plant bulk to the filter area.

I've struggled a bit finding good "cold water" plants (which is what this will end up being as water temp drops at night).  Swords, dwarf sag, rotala (green) and marsilea hirsuta seemed to do ok. Mosses too. Crypts were a colossal fail. 

White clouds are indestructible - the usual floating acclimation will be fine.  Only thing to watch for with them is they don't get picked off by birds, so need to make sure the area they are in is deep enough that a bird can't just perch on the edge and snack on them (I lost most of mine this way as my "pond" (HA!) was only a 6 inches deep). Some floating lily like plants like frogbit/salvinia will help give them some cover.


Terrestrial creeping jenny would transplant well. I can give you some starter pieces of creeping Jenny and elodea from my pond if you are downtown.
Any of the plant stores should have some you can use too.
Lilies can get big and often need a fair bit of sun - they would be nice though.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Oh some creeping Jenny would be nice :) I will PM you :)