New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Thank you Everyone!

Started by artw, March 06, 2006, 08:40:04 AM

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Thanks to the volunteers, the bidders and the vendors for making yesterday's Auction a tremendous success.  We could not have done it without you.  With over 650 items and 147 bidders, everybody went home with a deal.

Thanks again!
Art Williamson
Secretary and Auction Chairman


Yeah... I want to apologize to the volunteers for me not thanking them at the close of the auction.  Your work was much appreciated and definately necessary for a successful auction and I wanted to mention that to all in attendance.

Oh.. and next year, I need a volunteer to man our ACME Instant Icicle Maker.

Pre qualifications include a strong back, ability to prioritize targets.. I mean guests... and a working knowledge of defibrillator in order to revive people in time for them to bid.

All resumes should be fowarded to

Vice President
c/o Wile E. Coyote
Super Genius

High speed Aves need not apply


THanks again art for doing a lot of preperation and a good part of the auction itself,!
80- 5 Tropheus Brichardi Malagarasi
55- Planted Communnity
35- Discus/Angel Community
10- Breeding tank


Big Daddy, I volunteer to run the icicle maker provided we get a blender and tequila for the canteen.