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90G Rescape

Started by NatureAquaria, December 21, 2012, 05:13:47 PM

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90G Rescape

Decided to mess around with more species and a different layout.

I try to keep only a few species, so it's easy on the eye.
3 Discus: 1 plain gold, 2 albino red cover
6 Oto Cat
36 Rummy nose tetras
5 spotted corydoras
7 amono shrimp
2 brown pencil fish

I'm thinking about adding another small school of orange flame tetras.

Flora: before
Hygrophilla Corybomsa
Water sprite
Tiger lotus
Elatine triandra
java fern
windelov fern
Rotala Indica
Tiger vals

This is the tank before.

Flora: After/what's left
Rotala Indica: kinda tired of the look, probably replace it with some arcuata or other bushier looking red stem species.
Elatine Triandra
Tiger Lotus
Nesaea Crassicaulis
Rotala macrandra
Java fern: will replace with all windelov
Windelov fern
Star Repens

Raised substrate level with some mixed flourite on both sides. Planted some thick stems of Rotala at the back. Testing out some rotala macrandra and nesaea crassicaulis on the right corner.

Rotala started to turn red.

Took a shot of my rummy nose schooling while doing a water change. Sorry if it's a little blurry.


I am very interested in seeing your pictures.. but they don't seem to be included? 


Quote from: Peekay on December 22, 2012, 01:04:17 PM
I am very interested in seeing your pictures.. but they don't seem to be included? 

He's linking to pics on GTAAquaria that require a log in to view...
I haz reef tanks.


Quote from: Stussi613 on December 22, 2012, 08:09:13 PM
He's linking to pics on GTAAquaria that require a log in to view...

Oh gee. Thanks for pointing that out! I'll change it.