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20 gallon planted.

Started by Jhayter, February 08, 2013, 12:45:49 AM

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I have had an itch to start up a second planted tank. Last weekend I pulled an old 20 gallon out of the basement and thought I would get ride if the top rim. After a bid of scrubbing and a few razor blades I was able to get ride of most of the silicone. It's not a rimless star fire but it will do. It held water for 24 hours so I'm happy with it.

I also went out a purchased an Eheim classic 150 for filtration.

Lighting will be a 2x T5 HO Coralife fixture.

With some help from Jason from little critters I was able to get the parts necessary to rig up a DIY paintball CO2 system. It has not yet been tested but I plan on doing so this weekend. I am still on the fence what I will be using as a diffuser.

Substrate will be a layer or miracle grow seed starter with a top layer of pool sand.

I have some black vinyl I picked up from the DeSerres for the background.

I am still missing some bulbs for the light fixture as well as some brackets. I would like to start bringing things together this weekend but I am still undecided with what plants and fish I would like to keep in it.

Picture will be added along the way hopefully right side up haha.

Feel free to throw in some input as I appreciate everyone's opinion.

Thank you,


Whats the difference between using miracle grow seed starter vs miracle grow organic choice potting soil?


Unfortunately I'm really not sure. I really wish I had a smart answer for this but I think I'm gonna have to try it out and see how it goes.


I just found this post now, just wondering, since I am starting a dirted tank tank up soon, how did the seed starter miracle grow work?

I couldn't find out about chemicals yet, but just wondering since you have tried it....thanks.
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