Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

so..... any thoughts or suggestions?

Started by Lexx, January 30, 2015, 07:47:42 PM

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Chances are your pH is dropping along with your KH due to the ion exchange property of the stratum, it will absorb the carbonates and other elements that affect pH. The degree to which it will go down really depends on how used the stratum is, if it's been used for quite some time it will have absorbed its fair share already and may or may not lower pH anymore. The API test kits (regular & high range) are not the most accurate, so I wouldn't put too much weight on the results. I find the regular kit good for anything in the 6 range, below or above that it becomes very subjective. The same is true with the high range kit, it's more accurate between 7.8-8.4 or so, but below and above that it's very inaccurate. That said, pH is really not a big deal. Your shrimp will adapt, especially RCS. Store bought distilled is a great idea, and I would add it to the evaporated water, and slowly add more as you do very small water changes.

Just my two cents.
125g, 32g, 7g


Quote from: Lexx on February 10, 2015, 09:59:14 AM
OK so found phosphate tests on BA's website. What about any other things I should test for? Or should I stop worrying so much and just get on with it?

I would stop worrying so much and move on. Just start cutting your tap water with distilled water or using Ottawa tap water.


You guys are great! I appreciate all the help you all have given.
Should I pick up a phosphate test?
mm thanks for the fish suggestions! I wasn't sure about them at first, but I stopped at CJ today. Wow on the Rasbora's! I will more then likely be getting some of the Maculatas. Just for the colour contrast, as opposed to more red in the tank.


Quote from: Lexx on February 10, 2015, 08:22:59 PM
Should I pick up a phosphate test?

I wouldn't. Later, if you start having severe algae problems you can consider testing for phosphates.


This is what the tank looked like before the plants grew in some.
I only did a 10% water change bi weekly, added some excel & trace  2X a week .