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Fighting clownfish

Started by martin_jones, September 10, 2013, 10:55:00 AM

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I was given a clownfish yesterday and added to my 125G. However, he's getting picked on by the other clownfish in the tank - to the point of him jumping into the overflow and  blocking it - poor guy.

I have temporarily put him in the sump, but should I return him to the tank and let them fight it out until it sorts itself out? (I don't want him to get killed)

Currently have 3 other clownfish in the tank - 2 are paired, and the third is smaller.

With fronds like these, who needs anemones?


Those guys can be very violent when a smaller clownfish wanders into their territory.  They are usually OK if they are all introduced at the same time, and are about the same size.  But to throw a single clown in with an established pair is a recipe for disaster...

Perhaps try putting him in at night when everyone else is asleep, and hope that he can claim a spot farrrr away from the others.

Aside from that - you can try to let them fight it out, but the little one will probably not make it... He might need to find a new new home.

You'd think that there would be lots of space in a 125 for an extra clown, eh???  Mine seem to have claimed all of my 90 as their territory.


Sorry - I wasn't  clear. I already have 3 clowns in the tank and am introducing a fourth.

The new clown is about the size of the male of the pair. The female is larger, and the other one is smaller than the pair. I was hoping this new one would pair up with the small one and I'd have two pairs in the tank.

When I introduced the 3rd, he was picked on for a short while, but not to the extent of this new one.

I did introduce him this morning when the lights were off, but once the lights were on, I saw him hiding near a rock. I guess the female found him and chased him out of the tank.

Will rethink adding him overnight, and monitor carefully tomorrow. Otherwise, I could be looking to rehome him. :(
With fronds like these, who needs anemones?


From what I've read about clowns, it sounds like the original three are a female, male and sexless youth.  Given the size of the new one and the reaction it's gotten, I'd say it's probably a male as opposed to sexless and thus the chances for adding him successfully are low.

Depending on how much you want the second pair of clowns, you could plumb in a second small tank for them.


u can put the pair in the sump for 2 weeks and re-introduce when they the smaller 2 paired up, nothing is a guarantee though they will ultimately decide who lives there and who goes.
1158 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa

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Oh - I seeeee. I didn't know there was already a third wheel kicking around. :)

What Az said.  Hopefully the new guy likes the other small one, and they are "around" the same size...  Size matters...


OK. Will think about that. However, the new guy is currently swimming vertically, head down. :( He probably got very stressed yesterday when getting chased into the overflow (and stuck in the outflow).

As such, I'll leave him in the sump for now and am trying to get him to eat peas, as I've read this helps. Hopefully he'll pull through.
With fronds like these, who needs anemones?


I've never heard of clownfish eating peas before.. Interesting... if you can get him eating ANYTHING, it'll help... Garlicy flakes, pellets, brine shrimp...  It sounds like he needs a break from the excitement.


they love it used to feed my cichlids peas all all the time.
1158 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa

2016 Hours
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri >> 12-7pm
Sat, Sun >> 11-5pm
Tel: 613 695 6961 Fax: 613 695 6532

Ottawa's BIGGEST SALTWATER Selection

Tel: 613 695 6961 Fax: 613 695 6532


Learned something new today!!  Now I know where to hide my peas when the wife make'em with supper.