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Rank and File of Flashchatters

Started by babblefish1960, January 03, 2007, 12:37:56 PM

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Is there a way of listing the users in the chatroom horizontally like the users on line list, as one can only read the first five names, and it is a mystery after that. I'm referring to the forum index page, not inside the chatroom itself. Just a thought.


Probably, but not easily.  In the queue, but low.


No pressure, just thought I'd throw that out there if it was just a switch or something easy. You have enough on your plate, so I'm sure this one will still be around at the next list tossing ceremony. ;)


This is important in case someone is in there that we have no interest in talking to  ;) :D


I just noticed a neat little trick that might help you guys out.

If you right-click on the "OVAS General Chat" link above the list of who is chatting, you can choose to open the list in a new window (or tab).  Then it will display the entire list.

Alternately, you can click and drag your cursor to highlight the list (even the invisible part) and copy and paste it into a text editor (Notepad, Word) to read it all... but I like the top way better ;)


You are a genuine old school button pusher, there is no way you noticed that by just looking at it. You probably pulled at little holes in your wool sweaters until you were completely unraveled. Strange habits you have there. ;)

I tried the first method, but as the chatroom was empty, I have no idea if it worked, and the second method leads to yet another electronic piece of paper I cannot recall for the life of me where I put.

I'll try the first recommendation once all you nogoodniks are shirking at work during the day and see what happens. ;D