New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

shipment of fish and plant just in

Started by marc-andre, December 21, 2013, 09:35:23 AM

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Hi everyone,


assorted diamond guppy
assorted neon guppy
Sunset wagtail platy
lyretail gold-black molly
sm plecostomus
zebra danio
silver blue angel
assorted diamond angel
neon blue dwarf gourami
opaline gourami
pearl gourami
golden honey dwarf gourami
assorted longfin corydoras
peppered corydoras
neon tetra
cardinal tetra
blue tetra
lamp eye
red lined torpedo barb
malboro red discus
tiger barb
green tiger barb
snow white socolofi cichlid
regular betta
crowntail betta we have over 150 betta in stock
clown loach
red tail blue botia
khuli loach
ramirezi cichlid
yellow labidochromis
aurora cichlid
black ghost knife
rainbow shark
yellow apple snail
zebra snail
sm red and white fantail
sm calico fantail
sm black moor
md celestial eye goldfish
red and white ryukin
calico oranda
assorted telescope eye goldfish
pearl scale


blyxa japonica
hemianthus callitrichoides
cabomba caroliniana
egeria densa
eleocharis vivipara
hygrophila costata
hygrophila difformis
rotala macrandra green
sm microsorium pteropus on wood
lg microsorium pteropus on wood
sm microsorium windelov on wood
java moss
alteranathera sessilis
anubias nana
plus many more in stock......

La Niche


How much are the cardinal tetras and kuhli loaches for? I don't live near Gatineau so don't want to come all the way there if price is too high.