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Protien skimming in FW

Started by jfox, August 02, 2006, 07:55:19 AM

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Does it work?  If so, are there any benefits?


It won't get rid of the trates already there.  So I have to say no point.


i think it is also harder because fresh water doesn't produce bubles like salt, probboly an expensive non productive endevour.


No, it doesn't work.  It took me years to get this question answered, BTW.  Saltwater is much more "dense" than freshwater as it's so loaded with minerals, and is the key reason why protein skimming works.  Organic Protein molecules are attracted to bubble surfaces, but so much less so in freshwater that it essentially just doesn't work in FW.


Hard fresh is full of minerals too though, but not nearly as dense.


Yep, but the density is the trick. 


My planted tank pearls so much at times, that I could "skim" the bubbles off the surface of the water.  Now, not enough for a skimmer...


I could experiment with my skimmer on my discus tank


Now if you're looking to get rid of surface scum or film, there are attachments for Aquaclear and Fluval intakes that skim thje water off the top, completely different function really, but can help as well.