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what to do about med sensitive fish with Ich prob in tank!??

Started by inagremlin, June 15, 2003, 10:16:05 PM

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Hi Everyone! It's Gina!!

Well, we finally got our black ghost knife and set it up with the "jelly donuts" (cichlosoma dimerius/from auction... ask Shannon)... as well as a plecco to do a big job of clean up in the tank.

Wouldn't you know it....... we've been infested with ICK!! And all I can find on the ghost knife is that it doesn't do well in a medicated tank. So..... does anyone have experience with sensitive fish who need Ich med?  I'm afraid to use the stuff if it will kill him... then again if he dies within the week I'll get my $ back at least. Not worried about anything else in the tank... should I remove him? and then what... if he has ick, how do you treat without meds?



Gina - divaisadog     @     hotmail      .com

PS - Hi Shannon, Deb, Sue, Jacky, and all....


Is Coppersafe safe enough to use on the knife? I know it's not lethal to plants etc.



The only way I have used other then quick cure is to boost the temp, and use aquarium salt.. not sure if those fish would react well to the aquarium salt or not tho


Thanks Drew,
I called the store it came from and turns out the mgr has a knife and has medicated for ich before without fatality... so I'm trying out the Coppersafe, with temp at above 80 deg. and lights out...... Does anyone know if ich is light responsive or is it just velvet that is? Until I know better, the lights are off.

Oh, I'm phasing in the coppersafe so as not to overload the knife... 1/3 per dose at 12 hours each dose. Just in case anyone is interested.

Will let you all know how it turns out.



Hey! I'm no hatchling!!

I'm the breeding faerie!!

Good breeding be unto you all!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol I think art is trying to take that title from you!



lol... art gave me that title!! Is mein!

BRUHAHAHAHAH   (LoL... anyone heard from Mel?? :twisted: )

Quote from: "ambushman2j"lol I think art is trying to take that title from you!
