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My 30g Salt Tank :)

Started by Feivel, May 03, 2011, 07:33:28 AM

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Well, To start i picked up this tank set-up about 2-3 months ago.
Came with a seaclone100 skimmer(Junk) and MJ1200 pump (made the seaclone worth it). The glass is drilled, Overflowbox and sump with stand with a bit of sand. I then cleaned out all the big chunks out of the sand and gave it a good rince

I picked up a RO/DI system.
I put some new filters that were included and now I know why salties have so much patience. :)
It took 36 hours to fill the tank. i think my RO is blocked hence why the flow is so slow. i have a new one just didnt know i have to change it. I acquired some instant oceans salt. Refractometer. I am mixing the salt in the tank as i am typing. I picked up a set of 4 bulb Tek lights 24", they were just about 3inches short from being able to clip on the side of the tank so i came up with a good idea :)
sheared up a piece of 1/4" aluminum. i figured it wouldnt be much trouble as it is over the tank and not touching the water

Can't Wait to get some life in there :)

My new tank stand is work in progress :)

Will keep you posted with updates. Thanks for reading :) P.S. feel free too check out the other pics i have some of my 90g freshwater, and a couple other school projects :)


good starts for sure... and nice looking bbq.  in your photobucket too!

if you put [ IMG ]  <YOUR LINK TO PHOTO> [ /IMG ]  you'll embed the photos.. (no spaces)


Great start! I it is fun following along with someone's build as they put it together. Look forward to more updates.  8)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


thanks hook-up, i tried to modify my post but it was just showing up as a broken link so i put it back the way it was. It's pretty fun and exciting actually, can't wait to set up a clean up crew and some liverock :) Get me some frags and watch them grow.
I want to put a banghai cardinal, 2 Nemo Fish for my daughter (male female) gotta have an anemony for them. a goby (the white and orange one) a tiger pistol shrimp. Zoo's, Monti cap, Torch, Hammercoral, mushrooms,leather, see how I do with those and maybee some SPS when i get the hang of it and a little more equipment. My water is now at 1.15 salt ... need to bring it up a touch still. Roughly in about a month i will get Eco-Ree dry rock. Funds are tight being a student. Thats when I will start to have some fun :) I plan on getting some CUC for now. Seed the sand? and watch them go for a month untill i can upgrade again.

Patience is a salties best friend isn't it ??? lol :)
cheers guys and thanks for the support


If you click on the "Get URLs" button it will come up with the "Direct Link" which is what you want.

.: JetJumper's Zone :.


sounds great so far, as far as your sg, I keep mine at 1.026 and livestock you are gonna have to wait a bit before adding an anenenome you are gonna wait at least a year imo and they are neccessary for clowns. I had some that would host in my feather duster


If you want some cheato with pods and critters to seed with let me know you can have a batch for a starter.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

Some progress on the stand.

I have now a 1.025 salt content. and will let it sit for a two-three weeks untill i can afford some eco-reefer dry rock.
i will also have to finish the stand and set up the tanks in it. :)

Getting there

dan thanks for the offer but i dont think im ready for it yet. I also have Phil (NjOyRiD) helping me out with my build.

Patience is a salties best friend :)


Given it's steel i don't think it'll make a diff, but you might have considered putting the frame on top of the legs as opposed to inside the legs.  This would have compression on the frame and not shearing force on the weld.

Nice work though, I do wish I had a steel frame so I could make waves in my tank..

are you adding a wave-maker type device or anything that would make waves?


Might want to consider a better skimmer... Seaclone isn't great, even on a 30.


Quote from: Hookup on May 04, 2011, 01:34:21 PM
Nice work though, I do wish I had a steel frame so I could make waves in my tank..
You mean you haven't gone swimming in your tank yet?? :P
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Progress report on the stand, at this rate i think i will be done tommorow :)

It's a long tedious task to grind and file every edge to make sure my daughter doesn't slit her fingers open on the stand.
I still cant figure out how to post the picture as did jetjumper. i tried the [ img] [ /img] but just get a broken link.


Quote from: Feivel on May 05, 2011, 03:16:57 PM
Progress report on the stand, at this rate i think i will be done tommorow :)

It's a long tedious task to grind and file every edge to make sure my daughter doesn't slit her fingers open on the stand.
I still cant figure out how to post the picture as did jetjumper. i tried the [ img] [ /img] but just get a broken link.

Clicking yoiur link you will see, on the Right Hand Side, a list of fields in a box titled "Share this Photo"
You'll see;
* email & IM
* direct link
* HTML code
* IMG code

Click your mouse in the IMG Code field - it should copy the contents and say "copied".  If not, highlight it all and copy it.

Paste it into your message and there ya go..


Hookup explained it   :)
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Quote from: Feivel on May 05, 2011, 03:16:57 PM
Progress report on the stand, at this rate i think i will be done tommorow :)

It's a long tedious task to grind and file every edge to make sure my daughter doesn't slit her fingers open on the stand.
I still cant figure out how to post the picture as did jetjumper. i tried the [ img] [ /img] but just get a broken link.

if you use the tools in the reply second row of icons 4th icon in you will see the image buttom just paste your link in between the code I think you spaced the [img] looks like [ img] imstead but if you use the button it's easier


But you need to reference the file not the photo bucket application...  His links cannot work... Need the direct link... 



By George George I think he's got it... ;) It is the better way to do photo posts b/c you can directly comment on each one instead of uploading then referencing above the list of pics. But I am to lazy to go to 2 websites upload there then code back here... spend all my time on my tank and the play-offs.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I finished the frame, finally spent all and i mean ALL day die-grinding,filing,de-burring,sanding all the tiny pieces involved, every inside and outside edge so no one can get slice open their fingers, and a little bit of welding adding the feet on the bottom. I placed them all at 1x1 from the edge just to help it keep balance. I noticed how tipsy the other stand was and wanted to avoid a potential CaTaStRoPhY. Im going to paint it a baby blue. i will post another picture after its painted and with the granite and another after i get it all set-up

Maybee get a couple snails and Hermits from AV, there cheap and its something to look at till i can afford my LR :)
