General Community Forums => Introductions => Topic started by: 2075turner on October 21, 2008, 02:21:35 AM

Title: Hello
Post by: 2075turner on October 21, 2008, 02:21:35 AM
Just wanted to introduce myself.  My name would be Evelyn.  We just moved here from North Bay, On.  "We" includes my hubby Norm, stepson Rick(14), and my twin boys Antoine and Devin(2).

My addiction are Discus.  I had quite a few before the move, but sadly I lost a lot.  I only have about 40 left out of about 200 or so.  I use to breed them (that's why I had a high number of them)  Not only did I lose all my adults, but all of my breeders.  Needless to say it was quite devastating.  Enough said about that.

On with the future, I say!  With the 40 or so that I have left I have them divided into 1 -125, and 2 - 75's.  One line that I have are starting to show the signs of maturing so I will keep my fingers crossed! ::)  Maybe in another few months!! ;D  Other than the Discus, I don't have to much.  I am thinking of getting some Angels, maybe some cichlids, plecos.  Just looking into the different strains right now, but I know one thing......I will always have some Discus!!

Anyways, I guess that's it for now!


Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Laura on October 22, 2008, 10:14:32 PM
I have no idea how you have time for fish with young twins :o
Sounds like you've got lots of experience to add - that's fantastic.  Consider coming out to one of our meetings/auctions if you get the chance - lots of great deals and other fish geeks.
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: 2075turner on October 22, 2008, 11:45:43 PM
Well here I was getting ready to take some photos for the photo contest and look what I see :o.  A new pair formed!! ;D  They are from my carnation strain of discus.  Some eggs are present on the glass, but I don't expect them to last as they are in my community tank, and the pair is young but.......it's a start.  Guess I will be digging out a breeder tank soon ;D

Take care, Evelyn :)

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Title: Re: Hello
Post by: 2075turner on October 22, 2008, 11:55:47 PM
Hi Laura,

Thanks for the welcome.  I am glad to have found the forum.  I didn't have any groups like this back in North Bay.  Just a basement full of tanks, and the internet, lol.  I will try and make it out to some of the meetings to meet some of you.  The knowledge that I have is limited to Discus.  Once I saw my first Blue Turquoise, I was hooked.  There was no other fish for me, although I like looking at other species.  I love my discus....or is it I am addicted to Discus???hummmm, lol

Anyways, take care

Evelyn :)
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Vizerdrix on October 23, 2008, 11:59:56 AM
Welcome Evelyn!  I never did get into Discuss (too rich for my blood! ;) ), but always admire them. :)  Sounds like you had quite the set-up before you moved!

Nice to see you found us, and yes please do drop by one of the meetings if you can, we're a great bunch of people, if a bit weird (we like FISH!).  ;D
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: 2075turner on October 23, 2008, 11:47:26 PM
Hi there Vizerdrix

Thanks for the welcome.  It took a while for me to get use to not having to do so many water changes late at night, that's how I ended up here.  It would have been an interesting water bill.  North Bay isn't on metered water so I was lucky ::)  The water parmeters were great there as well with the fact that I could fill directly from the tap without having to add any chemicals.  Ottawa water is harder so I had to adjust my method of filling (and the fact of water meters, had me wondering how I was going to afford the monthly bills) :-\

My tank set up in the Bay consisted of 8-75's, 6-55's, 4-40's, 6-35, 8-20's, and 2-30's, oh and my 125 of which started it all, lol.  All of these were full of Discus.  They are sitting in my laundry room empty for now, just waiting to be filled. :-\  So time will tell.  I see the signs that I might have another possible pair there tonight, so I'm hoping that these tanks won't be empty for long......now I just have to go out and get a job to afford them, lol. ;)

Well like I said.  I hope to make it to some of the meetings to meet some of you.  Maybe once I have things set up, I could have some over for a visit and talk fish.  I would love to meet others that have interest in Discus, so if your out there drop me a pm.  Would love to see your fish as well!

Take care, Evelyn
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: dan2x38 on October 24, 2008, 06:53:55 PM
Hi Evelyn nice to meet welcome to OVAS. As mentioned come on out to a meeting. There are only 2 more left for this year Dec. we hold none but we do have a Christmas party. This Monday there is a meeting and costume contest kids more than welcome... lots of fun and goodies too... hint-hint...  ::)

Discus I love them but still scared I will have some for sure... the Blue Turquoise are my favourates too! Once I grab some that will be my first choice. Your new pair are gorgeous. Sounds like you will have a lot of experience to offer us wannabee Discus keepers...  8)
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: 2075turner on October 24, 2008, 10:25:13 PM
Hi Dan,

Thanks.  I will try to make it there on Monday (maybe with the kids??? :-\)  They can be quite the handful at times. 

Just trying to figure out how to keep a planted tank these days, lol, I don't seem to have a green thumb and that applies to both in water and out! LOL!  So I've been doing some reading about them.

As for the Discus, maybe I will have some juvies for sale by the time you are ready for Discus.  They aren't that hard to take care of.  As with most species, it's all about the water quality.  I do daily water changes on mine, but that's my choice.  When the time comes I would be glad to help out anyone, but just want to state that I am by no means an expert, as with everything in life, it's all a learning stage......just love the fish :)

TTFN, Evelyn :)
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: dan2x38 on October 25, 2008, 06:28:46 PM
Like I said can't offer any experience with Discus but maybe could help with planted...  8)
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: 2075turner on October 26, 2008, 12:30:07 PM
Hey Dan,

I will probably need some help for sure on the plant issue. 8)  Here's a pic of the next possible pair that I have.  They are a butterfly cross.  They haven't laid any eggs yet that I have seen, but are doing the courting thing right now.  They are still a little young I believe(about 14 months), but stranger things have happened in my tanks before :D ;)

take care, evelyn :)

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Title: Re: Hello
Post by: dan2x38 on October 26, 2008, 07:37:17 PM
They are lovely but my fav. are still the Turquoise in the background of that pic. I think we are derailing your thread... can always start a new Discus discussion in Freshwater General... ;)
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Tsukiyomi-sakura on October 28, 2008, 12:41:53 AM
If your looking to try something Differnt Adn want to try livebarers I can give you a pair or so to start (guppies, mollies,ballon mollies, salinfin mollies, Platys)
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: 2075turner on October 28, 2008, 12:27:21 PM
Quote from: Tsukiyomi-sakura on October 28, 2008, 12:41:53 AM
If your looking to try something Differnt Adn want to try livebarers I can give you a pair or so to start (guppies, mollies,ballon mollies, salinfin mollies, Platys)

Hi there,
I might take you up on that offer.  I am setting up a couple of tanks to get them established.  Keep in touch.  Thanks, Evelyn :)
Title: Re: Hello
Post by: ottawadiscus on October 28, 2008, 12:40:33 PM
Hi Evelyn,

Your discus are very good quality.  It's nice to see locally breed discus.

Title: Re: Hello
Post by: 2075turner on October 29, 2008, 08:52:54 AM
Hi Loyed

Thanks.  I am in the process of rebuilding so it will take a while as these newly formed pairs are young.  The first pair are about 15 months and the second are about 14, but the second haven't laid eggs so I don't even know if they are a pair.....just showing the signs so far.  There is another possible pair forming as well, they will be a cross if they should breed.  They are a ring leopard and eruption leopard, should be quite nice if they do.  Anyways, I have heard that you did some breeding yourself, maybe we could get together sometime and give me some hints and advise.  Always love talking about Discus!  and others adventures with them.

Take care, Evelyn :)