OVAS Club Forums => OVAS News and Events => Topic started by: Fishnut on May 29, 2011, 07:01:25 PM

Question: What could we do to improve attendance?
Option 1: Change the location of the meeting. votes: 12
Option 2: Create more interactive components to each meeting. votes: 13
Option 3: Use some meetings for hands on workshops instead of speakers votes: 18
Option 4: Offer a wider variety of speakers votes: 13
Option 5: Show more photos and videos of fish votes: 6
Option 6: Offer better door prizes votes: 4
Option 7: Offer better snacks and coffee votes: 2
Option 8: Make the Mini Auction go faster votes: 2
Option 9: The day of the meeting conflicts with my schedule. votes: 5
Title: Your opinions are needed!
Post by: Fishnut on May 29, 2011, 07:01:25 PM
I really want this to stick to a poll only thread.  Please no posting comments or starting a debate.  If you have anything to discuss about meetings and/or attendance, please PM me.
Title: Re: Your opinions are needed!
Post by: Fishnut on May 30, 2011, 08:52:15 PM
This is great feed-back everyone!  Thanks!  I'm aiming for 100 voters by the end of the month, so tell your friends if they haven't been on the forum in a little while.