Aquarist Forums => Freshwater General Discussions => Topic started by: tim_s on November 13, 2011, 01:36:00 PM

Title: Want some more activity within my tank.
Post by: tim_s on November 13, 2011, 01:36:00 PM
Hi Everyone,

Now I know people will not agree with my tank stock but in the respect of getting the best response I will let everyone know.

I have had a red belly piranha for years and one of my favorite fish. I bought the red belly piranha a 90 gallon tank with live plants etc. I created a beautiful land scape but with the size of the piranha 6" and the landscape I really wanted fish that will take advantage of the beautiful landscape, which has greatly matured over the years.

So I added guppies and most people's reaction will be the guppies will live in fear and not survive but exactly as I thought. The predatory nature of the single red belly piranha and the instinct to gather food with as little energy expelled as possible has the piranha waiting for a dead from frozen shrimp / mussells or squid after chasing these little guys.

End result a flourishing thank of beautifully coloured fish. A reflective yellow / black dotted male has been an effective breeder, however, the slow simplistic life of the guppy even though colorful they are not that active primarily swimming in the stream from the canister filter and the rest of the time peeking for food.

Now an idea I had as I have many tanks - introducing convicts cichlids (of course removing the guppies) as they come from similar waters good breeders and have a much more complicated social structure.

I figure once a male and female has broke pairing I would just remove the males into other tanks. Controlling the breeding keeping with the same effecting of a growing tank but with more active fish.
Title: Re: Want some more activity within my tank.
Post by: cdylnicki on November 13, 2011, 06:04:58 PM
when I worked at big als in oakville I had a customer with 3 red bellies living with 2 oscars in a 120.

I don't see why convicts wouldn't work - just give them some rock work/cave area on one side of the tank that only they can get to.
Title: Re: Want some more activity within my tank.
Post by: Nerine on November 13, 2011, 07:02:21 PM
the convicts aren't super active...mine pop out from time to time, but if you're just walking by, you'd think the tank was empty! they enjoy their caves and keep to them...my guppies are much more active than the convicts!!

keep in mind convicts are territorial and will not hesitate to attack other fish during breeding seasons, be aware of stress it could cause to other occupants of the tank.
Title: Re: Want some more activity within my tank.
Post by: robt18 on November 14, 2011, 12:36:53 AM
Get a school of Exodon Paradox, super active and do really well with piranhas. They'll probably make him a bit more active too.
Title: Re: Want some more activity within my tank.
Post by: Fishnut on November 14, 2011, 12:32:47 PM
This is such an interesting post!  I had always wondered about keeping other fish in the same tank as a piranha.  I mean, there are lots of piranha in the Amazon AND lots of other fish so logically, they can't just eat everything they're kept with.  I have seen people get piranha for nothing more than their savage way of feeding...then the owner only feed goldfish or other live things that the owner can watch get maimed.  In that circumstance, the fish are taught (I'm guessing) that their food swims?

Lol...Exodon Paradox?  Farewell guppies!  I have a feeling that those guys don't give up quite as easily!

Giant Danios are extremely active and faster than a guppy :)  I think a group of 20 or more would do the trick quite nicely!

As an alternative, the Amazon is PACKED with all kinds of fish that we can get in the hobby.  Here's a link for a website that has a very extensive list!  It's all scientific names unfortunately.

Title: Re: Want some more activity within my tank.
Post by: cory on November 14, 2011, 05:25:44 PM
Exodon Paradox are the best for pirahna's. Very active fish.
Title: Re: Want some more activity within my tank.
Post by: tim_s on November 14, 2011, 06:04:35 PM
Thank you everyone,

Just for clarification - I do not think any fish - other then another red belly will get on with a red belly fully.  What I have done is created a scenario that preys on the predators instincts.  The desire to eat other live animals with expelling as little energy and safely as possible.  This is not to say my Piranha by any means is "Thinking" about what he is doing more than using instinct to judge scenarios.

I "feel" (As I cannot say factually) that certain scenarios have allowed me to place fish within this tank.

1. The piranha since purchase has never been with another shoal of piranha's this is important because the group plays a large role in the activity of the animal.

2. I feed daily controlled portions of frozen meat, the piranha has never been feed live animals. (Except 1 exclusion, which I will mention)

3. My hands are within the tank re-modelling the landscape constantly - the Piranha comes to the surface for food like the other fish - I am a provider. (Unusual behaviour I know)

A long time ago I have a beautiful square 50 gallon tank and at the time of purchase someone wasn't sure what to do with their "Convict Cichlids" and I housed them. This tank matured and the fish where breeding but - - - I moved in with the girlfriend and it was down to 1 tank rule.  I sold the tank quickly as it was an usual shape, with the fish but the person purposely requested - he would not take the fry.  I thought what the H--k throw em in the piranha tank, and well the transfer wasn't graceful and only 1 lived.  He lived along side the Piranha for over a year and his spunky attitude and fearlessness A. Did not bother the Piranha (too much) B. They would swim next / in-front / side by side as well as separate.

It was not until I went on holiday for 2 weeks realizing - the piranha was not fed .. Convict was gone.

Other than this - I have not seen any negative behaviour other then the piranha purposing swimming through the cluster of guppies - not eating almost bullying but the Guppies swim free without hiding - breeding very successfully and full of colour.

Title: Re: Want some more activity within my tank.
Post by: tim_s on November 19, 2011, 11:47:44 AM
Just an update:

I haven't tried anything yet but I agree with the ideas here. Either the fish are small or schooling in fast reactions.

I actually started a second tank for africans and this has been quite eventful - looks like breeding as started.

Considering 1 more tank for South American cichlids.
Title: Re: Want some more activity within my tank.
Post by: sas on November 19, 2011, 02:06:35 PM
Embrace MTS ;D