astrea, nerite, nassarius, cerith snails $0.50
red tip, gold tip, snowlyleg, blueleg hermit crab $0.49
scarlet hermit crab $2.02
liverock Indo premium $5.59/lb
liverock fiji tukani $4.29/lb
liverock fiji totoka $3.99/lb premium $3.59(2nd wk of dec)
all corals $35, acan and ultra favias $50
ultra zoa $60, red scolymia $70, chalice $55-$95
xl ultra extra
ricordia florida $11, yuma $25-$65
favia frags $25 and up
feather dusters $7
gorgonia / seafans $29
sponges $31
cleaner shrimps $12 s-lg
fire shrimps $15 s-lg
peppermint shrimp $5
sexy shrimp $8
pistol shrimps;
randall/candy stripe $10(when buying a goby) $14 otherwise.
tiger pistol shrimp $12
micheals pistol shrimp $11
emerald crab green $5, red $7
white anemone crab $10
porcelain crab $12
sponge crab $14
pompom crab $9
anemones minicarpet $15-$55
anemones flower white $15, green $18, yellow $21
rose bubbletip anemone good size $49
white sand star $8
serpant star $10
brittle banded star $9
green feather star $29
african freen star 35
chocolate chip star $15
yellow midas $51
bi-bolor $17
rhino $29
mollymiller $29
blackcap basslett $55
pink square spot anthia male $25
yashahaze goby $26 (3 left)
green chromis $4
azzure damsel $8
hippo/regal/blue tangs $39
vlamingi tang $39
gold rim tang $39
scopas tang $29
yellow tang $49
bristle tooth tang $39
annularis angel $70
regal angel $70
lineatus fairy wrasse male $200
scotts velvet fairy wrasse male $150
sixline wrasse $16
solar fairy wrasse $25-$39
rubyhead fairy wrasse $25-$39
lubbocks/tricolor fairy wrasse $39
red and black fairy wrasse $35
joan's fairy wrasse $35
all flasher wrasse $33
rainfords or hectors goby $15
mandarin goby $15
royal gramma $21
dragonface pipefish $25
copperband butterfly $30
b/w stripe goby with yellow head $18
spotted puffer $18
platinum clownfish $125
ghost snowflake clownfish $110
semi snowflake clownfish $90
white cap goby w pistol shrimp $200
watchman goby w tiger pistol shrimp $23
By nerite snails, I'm guessing zebra snails, which can also live in freshwater tanks. If so, do you still have these available?
I am not sure about ok in fw but I should have some in but 400 more on thursday.
So we have to wait another couple of days till December for these prices? No fair. :(
if you have a drygood/fish/coral/invert wish/gift list, send it to me. anything can be bagged* with enough oxygen and heat packs so they can stay wrapped for 24+ hours.
*charges apply
*grumble grumble grumble*
Save a male and female Yasha Haze Goby for me. :)
WOW amazing prices!!! :-( So freakin' annoyed I had to shut system down :'(
hmm chromis went up in price thought it was a sale j/k LMAO
Quote from: Darth on December 02, 2011, 06:19:44 PM
hmm chromis went up in price thought it was a sale j/k LMAO
10 or more I can drop it down to $3.98 ;D
even @ $5 it's a steal
nice deal az, too bad not gonna be long have to shut down my tank again...arhhhh why its always like this ;D
Quote from: kole18 on December 03, 2011, 02:01:38 PM
nice deal az, too bad not gonna be long have to shut down my tank again...arhhhh why its always like this ;D
time to leave already? wow time really flies.
Within a couple of months leaving back to europe & all my sw stuff have to move out at my bro house, yup it ain't good if your in my situation I'd love the sw hobby ( better than my wife ) hahahaha j/k how's the business haven't been to your store lately guess don't have time I work 6 days this week by the time I get off from my work your store is already close, anyway have nice holiday az.