Aquarist Forums => Equipment / DIY => Topic started by: mysterysnail on August 08, 2015, 09:29:00 PM

Title: DIY Aquarium Backround First Attempt.
Post by: mysterysnail on August 08, 2015, 09:29:00 PM
Hey guys
New to aquariums, and newer to this forum. Currently have a 30g and 10g set up. For my 30 i really wanted to get a background so the cords would be less visible, and to add to the feel of the aquarium. So from what I found online and in stores i wasn't pleased with the selection. They were either too expensive, or took up to much real-estate in the tank(or both). So that led me to DIY background. But since i don't want a permanent background, and since my tank is already established and don't want to do a tear down, I have to be a little creative.
So here's the plan, please feel free to give your two cents to help me make this as safe as possible for my tanks inhabitants.
I going to make a "ledge stone" look background from 3/8" thick Porcelain tile siliconed to a 1/4" acrylic sheet. Total thickness would be approx 5/8" and should still fit behind my HOB filter.
The tiles are glazed on top (food safe). I plan to seal all the edges with silicone to prevent any colouring from the tiles leaching into the tank. I'm going to do it in two pieces so it can be installed in an established tank, and I'm going to attach suction cups to the back so that it can be removed for cleaning, or if i get sick of it.

Does anyone have any advise, or have gone through anything similar and can share tips.
Also, should I seal the entire front of the finished product with a clear coat epoxy or spray?
Will be starting the project monday and will post pics of it when done.

30 Gallon tank,1 Black Mystery Snail, 2 Tux Platy, 6 Harlequin Rasbora, some Ghost Shrimp.
10 Gallon (new) - 3 Dalmatian Platy, 3 RCS
Adding more each month
Title: Re: DIY Aquarium Backround First Attempt.
Post by: mysterysnail on August 27, 2015, 09:01:49 PM
So I finally got the tiles back cut to size. I didnt get a chance to do a step by step pics set but I'll go over what I've done so far.

Lay out the patern you want to go with and measure and cut tiles and acrylic backing. Dry lay tiles to get visual to your liking.
Do a full peremiter in silicone on back of tiles, and a zig zag pattern on back to ensure good bonding. Attach a full row to the top of your background 1 tile at a time and press firmly down. Wipe excess silicone from premiter and use to fill spaces between tiles. Let dry for 20-30 minutes. This will give it a good enough hold to push the next rows tightly against without moving.

Do one fair sized bead along the bottom of first row. Repeat the silicone to back of tile step and press up against the first row so that silicone is pressed between rows.
Repeat untill your backing is full.
Remember to press firmly down and hold for a few seconds. Wipe silicone that comes out and wipe between all tiles spaces. (like grout lines)
When your done it should look something like this

Title: Re: DIY Aquarium Backround First Attempt.
Post by: mysterysnail on August 29, 2015, 03:52:12 PM
(https://www.ovas.ca/forum/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi21.servimg.com%2Fu%2Ff21%2F19%2F30%2F68%2F20%2F20150810.jpg&hash=c7e32e317f4250791c7a99e477094ccbe1a247a0) (http://www.servimg.com/view/19306820/3)
Title: Re: DIY Aquarium Backround First Attempt.
Post by: goldfish on August 30, 2015, 09:14:02 AM
Looks interesting. Good job.  :)
Title: Re: DIY Aquarium Backround First Attempt.
Post by: GuyFawkes on August 30, 2015, 04:06:02 PM
Nice looking tank

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