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New haps and peacocks **lot of pictures**

Started by tobalman, February 09, 2007, 08:54:30 AM

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My new collection

Otopharynx lithobates male

female with a very nice yellow blaze

Aulonocara sp. "Chitande Type Masinje" male

Breeding dress most of the time

Lost its colour with stress just like a light bulb

Aulonocara baenschi male

Aulonocara maylandi male

now the update of an old Super Red Albino Peacocks

They are 5" each I have them for more than 5 months now.

Dominance male

Sub dominance male in the same tank



Very nice, I saw these shots over at Cichlid-Forum yesterday. :)

If you ever want to give up the Super Red Albino's, let me know, I would be very interested in 1 or all.


The blaze on the lithobate is fantastic. I had a nice male with amazing finnage but his blaze was not nearly as nice as that one. Are you sure the other one is a female and not a male in disguise?

Very nice peacocks too!


Hi oenology, I'm very sure it's a she since my friend has help me to vent it. It's anal fins is round not pointy like the male.

LOL now I can put my sub dominance back in my show tank.